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  • Users: Onmur
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  1. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    The hands would be restrained so they can't make hand seals. It wouldn't be effective for long, though, since the ninja do training to escape from being tied up.
  2. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Rei should be happy. She needs extreme phyical conditioning in order to make Sage Mode work. So... How crazy is Neji gonna think her when she demands more training. Only for Lee to take it as a challenge, of course. :P
  3. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Just finished re-reading this thing. ... ... It's way. Longer. Than I remembered. What can I say? Rei is a prodigy... at slipping off the slippery slope. She's been going at it for around 12 years! All thorough the story she's been noting herself becoming worse and worse, now she's even...
  4. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I read this a while ago and thought it was dead. So nice to see it's not. This is... the exception to the rule that reincarnation from babyhood fics suck, I believe.