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  1. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    True, but you only need to switch to Hanged man when you are close, before that any stand with good capabilities can be used to protect you along the way. And considering Hanged man's speed when you get in range she just dies. Edit: Man in the mirror would also be great if it can negate powers.
  2. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Hanged Man vs Shatterbird would be incredibly fast and one-sided. Try getting away from reflective surfaces when your suit is completely made out of them.
  3. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    If Dion gets the physique of a JJBA character does that also mean he gets the oddly high survival rate when wounded in a way that really shouldn't be survivable?
  4. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Good, that would have been too OP. Jack/Lung/Butcher/Literally any cape ever: I'll kill you. Whitesnake: Haha no *steals powers*
  5. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Will Whitesnake be capable of taking powers and putting them into DISCs?
  6. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    So if it turns into Anubis it'd become an asshole that will posses your body? Nice.
  7. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Stand By Me already is a sentient Stand, so it either acts like its base form, its personality is affected or it develops some weird Stand version of multiple personality desorder.
  8. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Hmmmmmmm... Are you hiding something?
  9. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Just realised that Tusk requires the Spin so unless that comes included you won't be able to use it.
  10. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    I dislike Fun! Fun! Fun!, it has the same control via injury shtick that Justice has but is made next to useless with its limitations and requierements. Justice is a straight up upgrade.
  11. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    If you get Clash before or during the Leviathan fight it's going to become fucking huge when Levi starts flooding everything. In Venice's canals it looks the size of a canoe, imagine how big it would get in a flooded main street.
  12. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Will Stand by me have the capability to turn into evolved (Requiem, Bites the dust, ACTs) Stands or just their base forms?
  13. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    The Lovers may be the physically weakest Stand but it isn't the least powerful, it's like Highway to Hell but without the suicide part 'cause all pain caused to the user is amplified in the target. You may not be able to use to instakill someone but its powerful on its own way.
  14. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Hope you get well soon.
  15. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    On completly unrelated matters, hey Leingod, sorry for being annoying but, do you have an estimate of when the next chapter is going to be ready?
  16. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    You should be careful that Lung isn't close by if you use Survivor, that would get real ugly real fast.
  17. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Could Heaven's door be used to instantly learn any skill? 'Cause if you can use it to learn italian you shuld be able to use it to learn other things.
  18. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Can Superfly turn any structure into a Stand or only transmission towers? Maybe it summons towers, it'd be hilarious if you activated it and a goddamn 60 meter tower came out the fucking ground.
  19. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    But why tho? It's the same stand just possessing a physical object.
  20. Stand By Me (Worm/JoJo SI)

    Why are there two Ebony Devils?