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Search results for query: *

  1. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Tried to fit in what info you shared before into her skill set. The Randomization into the basic Skill, kinda like Koyuki helps make it possible. Pairs well with Azusa or Misaki who hurt those with status and debuffs more. Careful about bringing her to Gregorius, the EX end up could apply 8...
  2. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]
    Extras: Omake - Kaika Crunch Hypothetical 1

    Can't think of the Bio details and fun facts and th 3rd star of the exclusive weapon but.... here's my go at the combat information for the Student Bio. Kaika Support - Front Attack Type - Mystic Defense Type - Heavy EX Skill - Cursed blast: Wide arc AoE. Deals x% of Atk. Inflicts...
  3. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Well she's prepared. Haha. Let's see if it ends up not being used or not. Or ends up being used on some other kids who would probably interupt the date. Because I wouldn't be suprised if something else ran into the way of the date..
  4. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Here I thought Kaika was expanding her real estate business to including lording over smaller business for rent and cuts to work on her projects. If only for that to be one of the reasons she had such a good milkshake deal.
  5. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Oh? Was that mentioned before? I totally forgot about that if so! Reisa does seem like the sort to do ambushes or suddenly raids too, if she percieves her target as an "evildoer." So it wouldn't be out of the picture if they crossed paths during their outings. Yeah that would happen. Haha.
  6. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    The RABBITs would probably refuse to use it until they get hit by torrential rain. Might end up treating the given house as storage mostly. Well if you want to know about a bit about Reisa, she's featured in the event: After School Sweets Story: Sweet Secrets and Gun Fights! She's part of...
  7. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Then Kaika is going to have an interesting first encounter with Reisa when she finds her sleeping on the park benches. More so if she notices her doing it a lot and doesn't know what's up with her at the time. And of course a field day once Nagisa goes a bit mental. And Neru being a bit mad...
  8. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    The only hint that Sensei gets about Kaika being an Isekai too. Blink and you'll miss it. Stun on the EX, random effects on the Basic. If Sensei hasn't checked in yet, at least they got to do so then! I don't think it was made for 2 people! Business as usual for Millennium I bet. Excitable...
  9. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    And here I was thinking of making her a bit like Koyuki and having a bit of randomization to what effects she would apply. Mainly for the Basic Skill though.
  10. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Construction Kaika! Or would it he Shin-Kaika ? "The Mystic Mimesis Labor party time!" Minori hears about JTF HQ's renovation using Mimesis for labor and when concerns about them taking their jobs come up she charges over with her group to support the minor protest and disrupt Kaika's...
  11. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    She gets some of that romance she was seeking all these years. Even a rooftop scene too. She's popping off! Also I see the Slumpia plushies are already being put to some good personal use. Kaika Fukajo: Event 1. Pyroxene X 20
  12. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    I'd love something but I'll have to settle unfortunately for now. Haha. *Thumbs up* :D Don't let Misaki try it, she might try to overdose on it. Though she might become addicted instead.
  13. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    I hear Abydos has some good deals on property. :V A good fallback plan as any. Haha. I think the Alchemy club in Shanjang would be interested in some of Kaika's potion works too. If not them at least Shintani Kai.
  14. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    It would certainly add some weak justification that would be needed for the boot. If the Tea Party worked more off of one person's word, Seia would probably be able to shoot that down... but yeah. And Mika is Mika unless she likes you. Though Nagisa does that, she's definitely getting...
  15. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Oh? I see at least by involving Kaika she looks like she's making a "genuine effort" for the club at least. Even if she can't justify putting Kaika at expulsion risk like the others. Hm. At least you make it sound like Nagisa wouldn't hide expulsion of the failures part to her. Or would she...
  16. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    And this Slumpia incident is probably going to be Nagisa's justification to drag Kaika down I bet. I wonder if Kaika will have a small dip in her grades too because of something like how Hifumi did because she spent her time on Peroro instead of exams. Also this little arc reminded me of a...
  17. Let's Go Practice Medicine (Worm/TF2)

    After a brain scanning. The next closest legal thing would be an Autopsy. The next actual best thing Medic might want would be cracking a skull open on a live one. He'd make sure it isn't fatal while he checks it. I didn't see on SB but I'll at least follow it here.
  18. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Faust working the black market!
  19. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    I'm big more of a fan of making things clear the chapter of or at least a few right after. At least Maestro elaborated beyond the warning, though it wasn't seen or casually mentioned. I can imagine her coming off as a brat and unapologetic to people she doesn't consider being cordial...
  20. Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

    Ah Maestro was the one that made the situation seem worse than it was? Somehow. I wonder what they did. Did they appear in dream like state to Sensei or left a message of their own? From Kaika's letter being the only indication of her location, I didn't think that alone was enough to blow the...