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Search results for query: *

  1. Emma Barnes, Princess (Worm/Princess the Hopeful)

    Oh well. I'm disappointed, but I understand why. Thanks anyway for your time, and best wishes.
  2. Emma Barnes, Princess (Worm/Princess the Hopeful)

    No problem, everyone makes mistakes. XD Fair enough. I'll be eagerly waiting the staff's response.
  3. Emma Barnes, Princess (Worm/Princess the Hopeful)

    Err, I know, understand, and agree with why Ultimus was banned, I was asking whether or not it was against the rules for me to post his updates, gather votes, ect here. I agree that rule 4 is more then reasonable and clear, sorry for the mix up. Their already happens to be one on the first...
  4. Emma Barnes, Princess (Worm/Princess the Hopeful)

    So for those of you who don't follow the SV thread, I talked with TheLordUltimus and he asked me to crosspost his explanation of what happened. 1. Again for those not on SV, another member actually found out that his vote count was wrong and that storms actually won by a fair margin. This...
  5. What's with the locked topics at SB?

    How do you figure that? I mean i'm not implying that the server isn't bad, but just the dismissal that the threads could contribute to it. Why? I mean, the threads on there are somewhat of a drop in bucket for BROB.
  6. IRC shenanigans

    You know that thing at the top that saids menu? Scroll over it, scroll down to IRC, and click on it.
  7. IRC shenanigans

    I swear I wasn't trying to start a cross forum invasion. How did seadart keep getting back into that channel?
  8. Maribel Quest (Redux)

    [x] A single white lotus, floating in the middle of a dark, tranquil lake of unknown depth.
  9. Beneath Unseen Stars

    It's....somewhat of a short prologue. Otherwise fine.