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Search results for query: *

  • Users: tordg
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  1. After Amelia

    I said in the other thread that I'd like to see Path Magic and Second Nature in that order, and I still feel that way.
  2. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Shouldn't that be "worlds"? Or has language just not caught up yet? "Sound". Reggie! It's good to see you again, old friend. It's been what, a couple hundred chapters? And we've been making jokes like this for almost four hundred. FFS you guys! EDIT: It exists! It's as ugly as fuck, but it...
  3. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Especially what with the family tree coating twenty-odd planets...
  4. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Assuming they survive this, Taylia will have access to enough self-duplication abilities that they could arrange a new orgy every nanosecond if they really wanted. I'm extremely not worried about their continued ability to fuck each other senseless.
  5. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Italics. "Heiress'". ... Scion is a magnificent bastard. Fortunately he's in the habit of listening to his wife.
  6. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    This sentence is missing a verb and an object, rendering it confusing. I think wildbow mentioned Breaker QA at one point, which scale of change implies every rating is possible.
  7. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    "Attack". "Habitable" is the usual phrasing. "Helmet". Aaaaand I stand corrected. I think I need to reread canon. Good thing your gf is a passable voice actress.
  8. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    When Akaihana was being recruited Strider's power was described as global range teleportation with LOS targeting. This fits the description of the Ferryman perfectly. Phir Se seems the obvious source of the time clone effect. And Lung fucking BEAT Leviathan in hand to hand combat. He was the...
  9. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Eh, even if you ignore Primacy, Stilling is just slightly less bullshit than, and infinitely more versatile than Balefire. Add in the regen, omniscience, and precog, and you realize that Primacy doesn't meaningfully change all that much. Mostly it just let Tana wrap up the Endbringer issue a bit...
  10. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    I am now imagining Kamina being Kamina at Scion. Thank you. I had that thought back when Tana was asking about Akaihana munchkinry. I decided that GU's Manton limit would prevent it from working, but that using Echidna as an intermediary should be a sufficient workaround.
  11. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Hmmm, how is Libecca doing, anyway?
  12. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    ... It occurs that Amelia should be capable of full on sense sharing, with all attendant sexiness. I think she needs some practice though. ... It is also a weird thought that Taylor is less likely than Amelia to unlock human sense sharing first, given her power (barring, of course, going...
  13. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    It literally means "red flower" for fucks sake. My first thought was actually menstruation. Labia, espescially aroused, are also a valid interpretation though. It was probably intended to mean that she uses your blood to "blossom", for whatever meaning of "blossom" you choose. The red also...
  14. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Italics. "No one". Fucking Lisa. Then again she only became accepting of Taylia after Taylor died so I guess it's understandable. Still a dick move though. ... What does it say about us that I can't recall this simple solution ever being suggested in the comments?
  15. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    "Seeing" shouldn't be capitalized. "Which was". Missing period My first thought was that Pinkie Pie was a Case 53. Then my dreams were ruined by boring old Contessa. Come to think, it's a bit weird that no MLP/Worm crossovers have used that as a device... FUCK YOU TOO YA DICK! FUCK. YOU. YA...
  16. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    You can keep gibbering. I will spend the next week randomly d'awwwwwwwing. Hopefully. There's a verified dick around here who'd like to ruin everything, after all.
  17. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Ash Beast explicitly wasn't a Class S threat in canon. Given a good Mover power he certainly would be, but as is he's just not a world scale threat in any meaningful time frame. ... This brings to mind that Sleeper and the Blasphemies are the only non-heroically aligned Class S threats left...
  18. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

  19. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    A big part of that is that humans generally care about humans, so it's somewhat less likely than baseline to go horribly wrong (it's still pretty likely, humans are assholes after all, but it naively sounds like a plausible argument that it is, in fact, not likely). There's also the fact that...
  20. Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    I hadn't heard that, so I did a bit of research. As near as I can tell, that's Panacea Quest fanon.