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Search results for query: *

  • Users: DMTC
  • Order by date
  1. DMTC

    That is accurate. I might allow another vote if someone spends a reward for a recount but...

    That is accurate. I might allow another vote if someone spends a reward for a recount but currently that's the case. Now nobodies and unversed on the other hand will likely get their own vote when they become narratively relevant.
  2. DMTC

    I've ordered the replacement. Current ETA is Thursday but no guarantees that it'll get here by...

    I've ordered the replacement. Current ETA is Thursday but no guarantees that it'll get here by then since the postal service here isn't the best
  3. DMTC

    Current estimate is a couple more weeks unfortunately.

    Current estimate is a couple more weeks unfortunately.
  4. DMTC

    Update since I've been AWOL for a bit. My computer died. I've already started the process of...

    Update since I've been AWOL for a bit. My computer died. I've already started the process of getting a new one but I can't write without it.
  5. DMTC

    I have chosen a new favorite word: Ratfucked.

    I have chosen a new favorite word: Ratfucked.
  6. DMTC

    Reason: let's just say mental health has not been great this last week or two. It's getting a...

    Reason: let's just say mental health has not been great this last week or two. It's getting a little better and I've made a therapist appointment but these things take time.
  7. DMTC

    So um... new update schedule: when I can.

    So um... new update schedule: when I can.
  8. DMTC

    I'm feeling fine. Not great obviously but good enough to function. Right now pc issues due to...

    I'm feeling fine. Not great obviously but good enough to function. Right now pc issues due to heat are my biggest trouble but that's workable
  9. DMTC

    Okay I'm awake now. Body and brain less bad. Hoping to do things soon

    Okay I'm awake now. Body and brain less bad. Hoping to do things soon
  10. DMTC

    I have spoken too soon. this week is even worse then the last one. at least last week was...

    I have spoken too soon. this week is even worse then the last one. at least last week was external issues
  11. DMTC

    This week can just screw right off. working on quest updates now at least but i can't say how...

    This week can just screw right off. working on quest updates now at least but i can't say how fast they'll be.
  12. DMTC

    You ever just feel like your brain is trying to turn itself into Soup?

    You ever just feel like your brain is trying to turn itself into Soup?
  13. DMTC

    No this isn't a call for help :3

    No this isn't a call for help :3
  14. DMTC

    I have no clue what to do with this fact

    I have no clue what to do with this fact
  15. DMTC

    It seems I'm not scheduled to update anything till Saturday which means I've now got several...

    It seems I'm not scheduled to update anything till Saturday which means I've now got several days of free time
  16. DMTC

    I appear to have encountered an issue with my update schedule.

    I appear to have encountered an issue with my update schedule.
  17. DMTC

    Mostly, still got a pretty bad migraine and sore throat. also it's like 35 degrees C so that's...

    Mostly, still got a pretty bad migraine and sore throat. also it's like 35 degrees C so that's not helping but i'm a lot better then i was. resuming stuff tomorrow after i hopefully kick the last of this illness