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Search results for query: *

  1. Blood and Chaos: The Story of a [BTVS] SI Turned Vampire OC

    Where is the rest of the story ? it is a pity this is a great and fun fic this is my third time re-reading this and this was my gate way into Buffy verse FF i am wondering why the author hasn’t ported the rest of the story yet? this is the link by the way if you don’t want to wait. as for me...
  2. Hey i am surprised to find you here Will you post any of your storys here ?

    Hey i am surprised to find you here Will you post any of your storys here ?
  3. DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story

    I thought it is a typing mistake calling Daemon blackfyre Daemon Targaryen this is the line if can’t find it
  4. DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story

    Do you mean Blackfyre?!
  5. DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story

    Has the si left any Will behind for his children he is an si so he should know how stupid theTARGARYEN could get
  6. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)

    stood lying in his deathbed What do you mean by this stood lying?!

    What do you think about this little add on it shows that he is not a new comer to the shit that goes down in the city of sin and he is carrying his own fair share of baggage
  8. Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD (Danmachi / Sharingan)

    Wh What is he talking about ? He went cosplaying what does he mean he hasn't done anything that he liked?
  9. [Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

    So do i need to say something here to edit my profile
  10. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I thought that would be the case SW is kind of infamous for changing what is canon and what is not, on a dime but to be honest i like the idea of a 'War like people' having such a strict culture
  11. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    “As do you,” I replied as I settled into another stance. “If you would do me the honour, I wish to see the face of the man I fight.” He stepped back, though his posture did not relax, and remove his helmet. His hair, while greying, still held hints of blonde around the temples and his dark...
  12. The Thanos Agenda (Marvel Self-insert)

    Hey, is it only me who cought the DEATH WATHCHES in the first chapter?
  13. The Lion of France (A historial self insert)

    I really look forward to this kingdom buildings