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Search results for query: *

  1. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Training, building, and Taking a Breather. That works for me. We should look into expanding the wall at some point as well to make room for more buildings, could be helpful. And I 100% on giving Monika some downtime, all work and no play makes Monika a dull girl.
  2. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Ah, I missed the first update since I'm off vacationing in Vegas. Let's see here... [X] Plan: Bunkering Down Other: -[X] Build something: A stone gate for the mines (Half-hour) -[X] Craft something: Iron shield (No time?) -[X] Craft something: Iron tools Scavenge -[X] West (2 hours...
  3. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Perfectly understandable and fine by me. This gives me more time to have an existential crisis about think about the votes. Good luck with university!
  4. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Whoops, didn't get notified for these messages. Go ahead and change my vote over to Zerbin's plan, that'll break the tie.
  5. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Hmm... that is a good point. Damn, now I'm rethinking my vote. Curse you posters, how dare you make me use my head!
  6. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Ach, my brain saw "4 choices" and chose 4 things. I will edit my post to include an extra action.
  7. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Thanks. It's funny, this is actually one of, if not the only threads I've actually posted on in any forum. I tend to be more of a cave-dwelling lurker normally. Either way, excited to see Monika back in peril once more.
  8. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Hey, don't bully me, this thread was dead for nearly a year and I have something like 300 fics open on my phone browser. Weh. Silly girl, always watch where your feet are. Resources -[X] Wood (trains Woodcutting) [DC: 6 (Monika will be more careful after today)] -[X] Minerals Training: -[X]...
  9. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Wood (trains Woodcutting) [X] Stone (trains Mining) [X] Melee [X] Build something -[X] Medium Wall This works for now. Maybe building a basement would let us build some sort of parkour course to train up Monika's acrobatics in the relative safety of her home? Something to consider. I...
  10. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Your base. Safe, and familiar. But far. Can you even reach it? Something about her thoughts, and the haze falling over her... seems off. I do not trust this village whatsoever. Without a description of time, we have no idea what time of day it is. I assume it's night, or nearing it, but if...
  11. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Don't mind me renting out a space inside your brain. I promise I'll ignore the "Homework" folder.
  12. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    -[X] Shears (2 iron) -[X] Shield (1 iron) -[X] Bucket (3 iron) A pair of shears would let us make a bed finally, and a shield is just good in general, especially since it means Monika can defend against a sudden ambush. I'm wavering on using the last bits of iron on a bucket or a pickaxe...
  13. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Wood [X] Stone [X] Study the system [X] Village Agreed on getting a small stockpile of resources. Will mining stone often enough allow us to find veins of iron and coal? Otherwise, burning logs for charcoal and using that for torches would be a good idea.
  14. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Fair enough. I wonder if this new, more fleshy version of the game will have the breeding be more visceral than just having the two animals bump each other for a couple of seconds. It might freak Monika out, at least.
  15. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Even with a farm, wheat (alongside most Minecraft crops) take on average 2.5 days to fully mature. It is possible for them to finish growing within a day, so I can suspend my disbelief for that if the GM allows it. Do take your time! Instead of every day, you could make it every two or three...
  16. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Kill some of the animals, but leave at a minimum 2 of each kind for use as breeding pairs later. [X] Wall -[X] Defensive wall around the house, leaving single block open spots right above ground level where Monika can lure zombies and poke them without allowing them to strike back. [X]...
  17. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    -[X]Wood (The other side of the river has a lot of trees) -[X]Stone (There's a mountain not too far away, it shouldn't be an issue) -[X]Food (An army marches on its stomach, like anyone else) --[X]Forage (More variety is always good) -[X]West (Plains) If she's already going to get wood from...
  18. Insontis

    Sadly, this isn't the end. Please wait patiently.

    Sadly, this isn't the end. Please wait patiently.
  19. Insontis

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] You're a big girl, Monika! (Fight the zombie) -Monika's chances are 50/50, if not a bit lower. Something might come out of this, though. Well, with odds like that it's certainly risky. But what's life without a little risk? Rip and tear, little Monika.