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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Santo
  • Order by date
  1. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    D for Dean. XD To be fair to the guy. Kid-Santo was wanting to kill Lung for some of the wrong reasons. I agree! But on the other side of the coin. Putting someone down in cold blood is not something that should be done lightly. We discussed at length the length of Lung's sins in this...
  2. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    Glad you're liking the fic! And thank you much for the kind words! They are the ones that started the fight. Kid-Santo was more than happy enough to finish it. Huh, too bad, hopefully that fixes itself? That said, glad you enjoyed the fic! Hopefully we can manage to get Taylor to figure...
  3. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)
    Threadmarks: Derail III.VIII

    Behold! Next chapter. It's supposed to be up on Friday. But I've got a game Friday and won't make it home till like, two in the morning Saturday. So hey! You get it early! Please please please, let us know what ya think. We worked pretty hard on it. XD This story we was gonna do for...
  4. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    If he can steal a prototype, he's making nanothorn power fists. And I'm hoping people will like the upcoming things. It'll be a big boom.
  5. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)
    Threadmarks: Derail III.VI

    Aight. Posting this early cause busy day tomorrow, also Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah, and a happy Festivus (Hero told me to write that last one. I have no idea what it means). Hope you lot like. Do feel free to chat about what you liked and didn't and stuff. That helps a lot with motivation...
  6. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    *Kid Santo during chase* This weapon has a distressing lack of BRRT, an oversight that needs to be corrected AFAP, which of course, stands for As Fast As Possible.
  7. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)
    Threadmarks: Derail III.IV

    Hey, sorry about the delay. Life kicked Hero and I in the dick pretty hard last week, and the two of us legit just forgot about this story. Our bad. But consolation prize, next chapter! 8D Derail III.IV Sacred hell, how does Peter Parker manage this crap? As it turns out, moonlighting...
  8. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    With the right Tinker Tech, he might be able to fire the vaunted 'pink beam of friendship.' He must be stopped before it is too late!
  9. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)
    Threadmarks: Derail III.II

    Aight, was gonna wait until tomorrow, but this chapter's burning a hole in my...erm...that saying does not apply all that well here...hrm. ANYWAYS! Behold the exciting conclusion of the kerfuffle of last chapter. Word of warning. This chapter is...dramatic. And if thoughts of suicide are a...
  10. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    A man after my own heart. You uhh...you might wanna build up some resistance to those. >,> Hero's a pretty big fan of Korean dramas. I hear those are all about the art of the cliffhanger.
  11. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    Yey! Social activity!!! That was uncalled for. >,< Hey hey hey! Assholes are people too. ;__; Kid Santo does have a point or three. But he made them in such an outstandingly aggressive and obnoxious way, they got lost.
  12. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)
    Threadmarks: Intermission - Amy Dallon/Panacea

    Behold, as promised more stuff! I did not at all almost forget. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Here is the other intermission before Arc 3, let us know what yall think. Intermission - Amy Dallon/Panacea Things were going terribly for Amy. The last couple of days had been a...
  13. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    Hah! That would suuuuuuck. Yeah. Taylor's ability for self deception is incredible.
  14. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)
    Threadmarks: Intermission - Taylor Hebert

    Sorry for the late post. Was busy Friday and Saturday. And most of today too. On the bright side...stuff. On even brighter side. More stuff very soon! Maybe even tomorrow! Now, have yourselves the perspective of a very self-deluded 'hero.' And maybe tomorrow, the perspective of another...
  15. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    Hah! I'm stealing this, because it's plain genius! Reject reality, embrace sociopathy! We have cookies.
  16. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)
    Threadmarks: Ersatz II.V

    All hail the backlog. Because work was murder. Blegh. Thanks to Hero for fixing (some of) my awful punctuation. Lemme know what you guys think! Ersatz II.V I intently ignored the glare coming from Beef McAnger-Issues as I lounged in my reinforced chair at our post mission debrief...
  17. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    Ah yes, the most noble of all occupations. Keeping the Doomsday Whitemage zen and relatively level. A most hazardous duty. But a necessary one.
  18. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)
    Threadmarks: Ersatz II.III

    Aaaaand...STUFF! Glad to see people enjoying my characterization of Kid-Santo. It warms the greasy, frozen, calcified lump of grit and callus I call a heart. Now, more stuff! Let me know what you think about it. Pretty please with a cherry on top. Ersatz II.III I took Taylor’s wrist...
  19. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    Hah! Thanks for the compliment! I aim to be gloriously incandescent! Through jolly cooperation! Yes... >.>
  20. Santo

    Refractions (Worm Colab Dual SI)

    I liked that you specifically had to channel me to be a confrontational asshole. XD All hail the master plan. Which is absolutely totally thought out. To have nooooo negative repercussions. Incidentally, anyone know how to set up co-authorship of a thread?