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Search results for query: *

  1. noobarta

    What's your muse like? I need something other than Nurgle in mind lol

    What's your muse like? I need something other than Nurgle in mind lol
  2. noobarta

    If you had to describe your muse(s) personality what would they be like?

    If you had to describe your muse(s) personality what would they be like?
  3. noobarta

    Hell yes

    Hell yes
  4. noobarta

    FBI open up!

    FBI open up!
  5. noobarta

    How much of a gremlin are you?

    How much of a gremlin are you?
  6. noobarta

    What is Kirby's BGM? I keep thinking of "I am the storm that is approaching"

    What is Kirby's BGM? I keep thinking of "I am the storm that is approaching"
  7. noobarta

    Thanks, makes sense I knew about Leecifer but wasn't sure of the lore

    Thanks, makes sense I knew about Leecifer but wasn't sure of the lore
  8. noobarta

    The funniest shit about the game is character design. I've never seen a design option to not...

    The funniest shit about the game is character design. I've never seen a design option to not include certain teeth
  9. noobarta

    Is there a wiki for the staple folks that usually pop in the Company fics? Ex: Black and White...

    Is there a wiki for the staple folks that usually pop in the Company fics? Ex: Black and White Greg, Lee, Stacey, Steven. They seem to be a line of clones and personality types, but are these characters from actual fictional universes?
  10. noobarta

    Shiro you've made several gacha stories so I gotta ask. Is it because they're more interesting...

    Shiro you've made several gacha stories so I gotta ask. Is it because they're more interesting as a story, or because you like gacha games?
  11. noobarta

    Someone's channeling MURICA in the latest chapters...

    Someone's channeling MURICA in the latest chapters https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/an-archmages-dungeon-crawling-adventure-danmachi-cyoa-si.24588/reader
  12. noobarta

    Yup! Been using Qq for two years now and never knew. Was like am I the only one who didn't know D:

    Yup! Been using Qq for two years now and never knew. Was like am I the only one who didn't know D:
  13. noobarta

    Did you know QQ has a dark mode?

    Did you know QQ has a dark mode?
  14. noobarta

    Yourself and Bubbajack have the most wild and entertaining muses by far. Feel like they should...

    Yourself and Bubbajack have the most wild and entertaining muses by far. Feel like they should have a drink together sometime haha.
  15. noobarta

    Any plans to update silhouette and the forge?

    Any plans to update silhouette and the forge?
  16. noobarta

    Doge Cheems passed away yesterday ;(

    Doge Cheems passed away yesterday ;(
  17. noobarta

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Would Oracle be a good name for Dinah? Like they can only answer a set number of questions
  18. noobarta

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Voidcowboy making saying something logical?! It's the end of the world!
  19. noobarta

    I hope you enjoy your break! In the meantime we shall sing the song of the pumpkin king

    I hope you enjoy your break! In the meantime we shall sing the song of the pumpkin king
  20. noobarta

    Do you have any cafe/bar style novels or fics you recommend?

    Do you have any cafe/bar style novels or fics you recommend?