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Search results for query: *

  1. Ghostmarine51

    XF2 transition feedback

    My main issue beyond all the lost qol visuals (rip) is that the alerts suck now, I can't tell what's new because the text is no longer highlighted and the little star dissappear after clicking into one "new" notification and if your like me you usually have 5 or more new notifications every few...
  2. Ghostmarine51

    Nightmare Mode (Dragon Ball Z Gamer!SI)

    Btw shouldn't this be in the NSFW forum? The tone and descriptions of the women indicates smut abounds, CW seems like the wrong forum xD This will also get more views there just sayin ;P
  3. Ghostmarine51

    Nightmare Mode (Dragon Ball Z Gamer!SI)

    Considering the weakest class has their number 2 as 40k PL, I think it's on Par. Freeza is likely in the 10s of billions in PL, which honestly the PL progression seems kinda dumb, basically every mook and meatshield is a planet buster according to DBZ PL. I'm assuming he just nerfed PL entirely...
  4. Ghostmarine51

    Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD (Danmachi / Sharingan)

    Shusui has the worst eyes in naruto. Bad choice for danmachi unless he plans to mind rape some level 4s into slaves. They're only good if your being diplomatic or playing in a CIV type universe