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Search results for query: *

  1. Kordelius

    Resurgence of the Light [Warcraft]

    In essence, yes that was what I was going for, the MC is just sick and tired of those that were supposed to act in defense of this world simply allowing shit to happen and when asked - why? Having no answer. Yep this exactly. He is sick an tired of those that have the power to better the world...
  2. Kordelius

    Resurgence of the Light [Warcraft]

    He's not supposed to be, but I think I can see why you would think that.
  3. Kordelius

    Resurgence of the Light [Warcraft]
    Threadmarks: Chatper 29

    So... uh... been a while? Ye I got no excuse honestly, just did not feel like writing this one I guess. Still it's so close to being finished that I just couldn't leave it and will now attempt to finish it. Syreian strode through the stronghold that her mate's men had erected. Despite his...
  4. Kordelius

    Hmm, on one hand I like draenei women, but Yrel went bit cray cray and we all know you should...

    Hmm, on one hand I like draenei women, but Yrel went bit cray cray and we all know you should not stick your dick in cray cray, buuuuuuut I will have to be unwise and say Yrel.
  5. Kordelius

    Raven, I am simple man and goth girls are my weakness.

    Raven, I am simple man and goth girls are my weakness.
  6. Kordelius

    Works being a massive pain in the ass, so can't update anything. Very sorry, will try to update...

    Works being a massive pain in the ass, so can't update anything. Very sorry, will try to update on weekend.
  7. Kordelius

    Hmm I like both, but I guess Jasmine.

    Hmm I like both, but I guess Jasmine.
  8. Kordelius

    This is just an unfair fight, Lulu wins 100% hands down.

    This is just an unfair fight, Lulu wins 100% hands down.
  9. Kordelius

    Same, part of it obviously is that everything is new so it's not how you expect, but now...

    Same, part of it obviously is that everything is new so it's not how you expect, but now everything is not how and where you knew it so it's gonna take a while to get used to.
  10. Kordelius

    Finally got optic internet back, having proper internet speed is so nice.

    Finally got optic internet back, having proper internet speed is so nice.
  11. Kordelius

    Elinalise Dragonroad from Mushoku Tensei is a slut, but that world is set in Medieval Times so...

    Elinalise Dragonroad from Mushoku Tensei is a slut, but that world is set in Medieval Times so no internet. Or does that not count either?
  12. Kordelius

    Yep like Guardian said, even some exercise will make you feel better, caffeine is just going to...

    Yep like Guardian said, even some exercise will make you feel better, caffeine is just going to make it worse. Sugar and caffeine are just drugs that make you feel better for a moment and then make you feel twice as bad afterwards. Could also try eating something else, if you eat a lot of...
  13. Kordelius

    Agreed, my own Warcraft stories pale in comparison. I eagerly await each new chapter. Didn't...

    Agreed, my own Warcraft stories pale in comparison. I eagerly await each new chapter. Didn't know you posted here, was reading it on SB till now.
  14. Kordelius

    Tifa, has to be Tifa.

    Tifa, has to be Tifa.
  15. Kordelius

    I don't think I've ever had more then 12 tabs open at one time, I could not even imagine having...

    I don't think I've ever had more then 12 tabs open at one time, I could not even imagine having that many tabs open at once... how do you even keep track of them?
  16. Kordelius

    I don't see anything different...?

    I don't see anything different...?
  17. Kordelius

    Have a nice Easter everyone, do not overeat on eggs or it will end badly.

    Have a nice Easter everyone, do not overeat on eggs or it will end badly.
  18. Kordelius

    That's the best feeling, enjoy it.

    That's the best feeling, enjoy it.
  19. Kordelius

    Yes it does, get well soon.

    Yes it does, get well soon.
  20. Kordelius

    Cortana, while I like Mass Effect, Halo: Combat Evolved was my first Sci-Fi game and I really...

    Cortana, while I like Mass Effect, Halo: Combat Evolved was my first Sci-Fi game and I really like Cortana.