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Search results for query: *

  1. Michael Morningstar

    Heh I got a few snippets being worked on right now in my free time along with the next chapter...

    Heh I got a few snippets being worked on right now in my free time along with the next chapter, it'll take a bit to get through them though since there not priority and I'm only doing one of them at a time
  2. Michael Morningstar

    Uugh shit it's so hot were I live that I've got no energy, plus I'm splitting it between my...

    Uugh shit it's so hot were I live that I've got no energy, plus I'm splitting it between my latest chapter and another project.
  3. Michael Morningstar

    Just a Phase [Worm]

    Imagine Taylor does join Lisa that would be a perfect way to get some nsfw even as just omake's Taylor got trapped and now she's looking to imprison the heroes, like flachete is chasing her and Taylor traps her in a wall and teases her till she's red faced and begging~
  4. Michael Morningstar

    Just a Phase [Worm]

    Huh a worm fic that's not in the nsfw section? Now that's a travesty Taylor: "oooh lily~ could you come over here?"
  5. Michael Morningstar

    Just a Phase [Worm]

    So is this actually back or just a one off update?