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Search results for query: *

  1. Monsterboy

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya

    No way. Zouken never taught either anything, and he planned to use Sakura as a breeding sow for a new body, if not inhabit it himself. Shinji is just an external pressure to help break her, as is his odd permissiveness for Shirou. Should Sakura learn magecraft? Yes, definitely, but I doubt...
  2. Monsterboy

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya

    Eh, remember, she's not allowed to pry deeply because of that deal. Not to mention I doubt she knows exactly. After all, in canon she knew she spent a lot of time with Shirou, but that's it, and didn't exactly start interrogating him. Remember, this is a Rin with her head up her ass still, and...
  3. Monsterboy

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya

    Unlikely. For the uninitiated, sure, but for people like Kotomine or Caren, it's an actual impossibility. Everything that was magical left fo the reverse side of the world long ago, and literally cannot survive on this side of the world due to insufficient magic, with rare exception. Even a...
  4. Monsterboy

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya

    Eh, sort of. The original and majority of those who could develop one was restricted to daemons, whose alien common sense made it far more natural. In other words, being fundamentally distant from the common sense of man makes it a lot easier to develop one, even if it isn't a prerequisite and...
  5. Monsterboy

    Shirou, Blade of Emiya

    Personally, I thought that was unintentionally hilarious. But yeah, good stuff thus far. We have some Emiya-isms with a SI spin and less inhuman seigi no mikata distortion. Metaknowledge and a system that isn't hilariously broken such that by 8 years old he can style on his contemporaries, no...
  6. Monsterboy

    XF2 transition feedback

    I hate how big everything is. Like, if you check a fiction the image takes up like half the screen before you can see individual chapters. And the spacing of literally everything is cancer, everything takes up twice as much space and yet somehow feels cluttered. Take the forum list, for example...
  7. Monsterboy

    XF2 transition feedback

    Tbh, feels half-baked and something that needed to be in the oven for several more months. Information density is way down, everything is maximally spaced when they don't need to be, everything takes multiple button presses to reach content that used to take one, no themes available, 'upgrading'...
  8. Monsterboy

    QQ downtime for XenForo 2 implementation

    Holy shit this is ass. Both Light and Dark. It's everything I hate about modern shitty UI design, because everyone forgot how to make well-designed sites like old reddit or AO3. Everything that was 1 click away (e.g. new threadmarks) is now a minimum of 2, if not 3 clicks away through multiple...
  9. Monsterboy

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    I think that's less that technology and guns eclipse magic, and more that mages, at least the ones we see, are stuck in stasis and have since the early renaissance. Hell, the DoM has actively surpressed technological and magical development for centuries, and it's uncertain if much is different...
  10. Monsterboy

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    Simple, because wizards give zero fucks about the muggle world in general. It's not their world, not their business, and the majority of the global wizarding world is very insular and apathetic to whatever goes on outside it, best demonstrated through the slow pace of technological progress...
  11. Monsterboy

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    I have no clue the actual utility of aboriginal magic, honestly. I'd imagine Japanese, Egyptian, Chinese, Nordic, Celtic, and the 'default' Roman magic is going to be better in every single possible way, and even better than that with their respective specialities. Hell, the Ruskies or Mexicans...
  12. Monsterboy

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    Eh, I never saw Tanya as an economic fanatic. Moreover, her views may or may not have changed slightly due to differing life experiences and not being in a constant crisis situation like in YS, and living in a shitty orphanage. Point being, magic, and other knowledge seems to have become her...
  13. Monsterboy

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    In truth, I see Tanya and Tom going more for the progressive approach. Intentionally get all the pureblood idiots holding back progress killed by acting as a magnet for their prejudices while actually playing both sides of the fence, play off insecurities and fears of the populace for years, and...
  14. Monsterboy

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    And then Tanya and Tom was Greater Good!Dumbledore.
  15. Monsterboy

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    I didn't say now. I said eventually. Tom and Tanya aren't even in puberty yet, I'm thinking more fourth year and up here. Still, Tom has a bit of an obsessive yandere to him, and both eventually marrying even for partially practical reasons is IC, especially in this era where the pressure to do...
  16. Monsterboy

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    So... What are the chances of the eventual shipping of Tom and Tanya? Of, course, fuck do I know what that relationship would actually look like, but they work so well together, and I could see them doing it due to sheer pragmaticism and affinity.
  17. Monsterboy

    A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Eh, just stick to subtext and wait until she hits 16-18, she's in a weird position with a disjointed mental age and physical age and emotional stunting that's starting to heal, so relationships with older people, like with C.C. (who'd understand her issues entirely, if before the relationship...
  18. Monsterboy

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    I associate the two in my head. Whoops.
  19. Monsterboy

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/inspired-voyage-st-voyager-si.791005/ Dead, but long and excellent. Also lots of Janeway bashing, but, to be frank she made plenty of questionable and hypocritical decisions throughout the show.
  20. Monsterboy

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    @OP I like the premise with Celestial Forge in a different setting, and the general pacing of upgrades slowed down to actual real progression and quests, at least in principle, since that stems the old problem of describing and playing with new upgrades, which, by wordcount means that when...