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Search results for query: *

  1. TribuneAlpha

    MARVEL: Game Maker System (Avengers, X-Men, SI)

    Unless our favorite skelle-boss has gotten a palate shift here, I'm pretty sure it's the Wither, and not the Whiter.
  2. TribuneAlpha

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Having found this after Rhapsody Ended (heh), I can definitely say I prefer this story more. I got invested in Micheal's story, but this genuinely made me cry, which is very rare and immidately made this one of my favorites. I'm honestly not even all that into AOT, nor HS DxD. This, though, was...
  3. TribuneAlpha


  4. TribuneAlpha

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)

    Mmmm, coming across a 780k story right as I finished my previous ones... excellent. Having read the story overall, I am a bit curious how Wish could've been generated. It got hinted enough that it's clearly no simple feat, but that raises the question, is the Orginal Wishmaster simply a...
  5. TribuneAlpha

    Tyranids "R" Us [40k Tyranid Hivemind SI]

    40K world building is always fun, even if I'm too dumb to understand it lol. I admit I really do like the shift from focusing on MC to 40k overall. Helps avoid the common issues of 'op' protagonists. Since we're not in their heads as much, we can forgive a whole lot more. I really like the...
  6. TribuneAlpha

    Tyranids "R" Us [40k Tyranid Hivemind SI]

    Yea meeting even a friendly deity is often pretty mentally taxing... I wonder, though, since the comparision of 'tiny dog trying to eat a baskeball sized soul', would the Chaos gods be 'big' enough to actually attack MC? Right now, he's really got no threats or goals aside from 'help the...