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Search results for query: *

  1. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    I am happy beyond words this has now caught up with the Ao3 thread! New content next chapter, Tanja becoming a Liaison for Rhodes! Hahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!
  2. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Oi! Sb and SV wouldn’t be assholes over a quality Tanyafic! admittedly you will get one Hell of a lot more traffic than this area if you posted there, but thats mostly because of how big both sites have grown.
  3. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    it's implied by the fade to blank. Literary story telling at its best in my opinion. No telling, just showing and letting readers come to their own conclusions!
  4. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Nah. Tanya is a hyper lethal combatant when pushed to the edge, and has an entire lifetime of experience as The premier warmage for the Empire in her soul. Seeing that one bitch basically guarantee her slow, painful death to Oripathy caused Tanya to snap and let her inner Devil out to rage for...
  5. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Tanya did kill the bitch who infected her with Oripathy. She just blacked out during the process due to Sheer Rage.
  6. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    I must admit, i read ahead on what was availableon Ao3. This story is and continues to be friggin amazing, and i am eager as heck to witness what happens next! Love the direction this is heading.
  7. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    I must admit, i know very little about Arkknight. But the way you write makes for a good Tanya, and the story itself drew me in even without knowledge of the main setting. Very nice! Eager to see which way you plan to take this boss!
  8. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    ah, your right, absolutely! how could i be so blind! They have Time magic, of course! Not space magic!
  9. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    Kassadar having straight up space magic is all kinds of awesome, yes. I completely didn't even make the connection about Chicomoztec's biosphere collapse and Morlich having a full Production License catalog with her unlimited Nanoforge. And causing the High Hegemon to faint is something i...
  10. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    yeah, apparently the person who tried to copy it over thought that i was the writer because i posted the link, and that meant it was fine to copy. Which is easily cleared up by actually Reading the thread, you know, since i have the same name here as there. But once that was explained they stopped!
  11. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    Well, i think i have found what the person on Discord was talking about. Behold! https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=36325181455aa38000636d7b2df8cfcb&board=6.0 the Starsector Fanfic subforum! Apparently it exists. Yeah. Just thiught you’d like to know boss.
  12. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    Uh boss? Some dude is apparently copy pasting this fic to Vnsector. I am unsure as to what that is, apologies, but if you want to go stop somebody from pulling a fast one now would be the time. edit: success! Have prevented copying of the story! I think.
  13. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    This has been moved to the general public setting of the site and i couldn’t be happier!
  14. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    And so it begins. Once was a miracle, but twice? And those Knights, they died Defending the cryopods, they had some idea of what was happening. That Buttercup could convince the Pather to step out of bis hidey hole is just icing on the cake. now to see how what other lost souls might be found...
  15. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    Huh, so she’s 3rd Fleet original? Neat! And hey, it looks like a number of her old fleet were either sold off as surplus or lost in poker games and ended up lost in the Sector when the gates collapsed! That or were just caught in transit, among other things. it continues! And Tyrant...
  16. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    This story is based onthe video game Starsector. The Notre Dam is a unique start for one of the Starsector mods, giving you command of an ancient Hub class Explorer ship. They are very, Very big, very Very slow, and are designed to allow for multi generational exploration trips through the...
  17. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    Now i am reminded of the Notre Dam, or the Infernal Machine quest starts. A ship either worn down by sheer age, or barely spaceworthy but still crippled by the action that sank it. only, instead of needing shitloads of money and access to the best shipwrights in the sector, all Loch needs to...
  18. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    one thing i am curious about though, are you dead set on those Broadsword variants? Broadsword Mk 2's are better, in my opinion anyway, because they have missiles in there empty missile slots. Highly recommend using them if you can!
  19. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    Given how rare it is to find Starsector fanfic, and well written fanfic at that, i have to ask. Any chance i could talk about this story over on the Discord? It may have just started but it has hooked me my friend, hooked me something fierce! Edit: I apologize. I let excitement get the...
  20. Darik29

    DNV Loch Morlich: The Lonely Sentinel (A Starsector story)

    Ohhh, i see Dissassemble/Reassemble, DME as i thought, and HMI as well! Domain Resurgent is one of there late game enemy faftions that turn out to be a Bitch to deal with properly if you aren’t hilariously OP when they show up! Out of curiosity, do you have ARMAA? Cataphracts would work...