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Search results for query: *

  1. Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Omg finally back after that Ominous as Fuck cliffhanger
  2. One sentence story

    Unfortunately for him, but fortunate for the geologists, in his hasty quest to reach them he forgot to account for one little thing; extensive running does not mix well with freshly released toxic fumes.
  3. One sentence story

    Odd story idea that just jumped in my head after years of forum Crack posting and somewhat similar ideas. What if we c start a thread where every post is a single (coherent) sentence or part of the story. Anything been done like this before?
  4. Bad Company (Taylor/OC, Worm AU)

    At times reading this is nice and fluufy, and at other times reading this feels me with a sense of annoyance and impatience. Ah, awkward teens.
  5. Land of the Dead (High School of the Dead SI)

    ...I'm sorry what? Where did that even come from. If anything it's gonna be the trio of Rei, Shizuka and Saeko. The Holy Plot Goddess Trinity
  6. Your Everything Disgusts Me (DC/SI)

    I got what you meant. I was sorta making a joke that you should continue writing the chapter from that point where Kaldur Existed but was completely and utterly ignored by the SI who disliked him for some small thing he noticed. And at some point in the chapter Kaldur fixed the issue and SI...
  7. Your Everything Disgusts Me (DC/SI)

    Wouldn't it be better to continue writing from the point where you realized that you had forgotten about Kaldur. It would be in character for you to finish the Chapter out of hate for it's conception. Or would it be more in character to completely Erase and scrap everything when something goes...
  8. Land of the Dead (High School of the Dead SI)

    ..... God damnit! That's like asking Murphy to come bless your first born.
  9. Your Everything Disgusts Me (DC/SI)

    .... Damnit I started reading this story cause it was on the first page of CW, instead it looks dead. I'd make a joke about my utter disdain for such a thing, but It'd probably be wasted.
  10. Land of the Dead (High School of the Dead SI)

    Sigh...didn't know how much I needed this story until I found. SO damn hard to find good HSoTD fanfics
  11. Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    Imagine if Taylor saw the yo dawg meme. L
  12. Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    *Groans* Hopefully she doesnt get steamrolled this time and manages to catch Lisa's flares fast enough to fuck her over.
  13. Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    The fuck does she know her email address?
  14. Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    It's always so damn satisfying when someone shuts her the hell up.
  15. Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    Huh...all she has to do is change a node on a Web Nexus. And instantly she Valefor's anyone who has ever spoken to anyone else in that Nexus. Thats pretty fucking terrifying. Because at this point its obvious she can alter word associations with a bit of effort.
  16. Mettle [Worm AU]

    The jump to Dragon not being human. Though thinking on it, this can easily be attributed to us being readers and not privy to what Taylor sees and feels thus not having a real depth of field in exactly wtf is freaking her out so much.
  17. Mettle [Worm AU]

    I know Dragon is an AI and I still can't figure out the jump in logic that taylor made here. Edit: I meant for 3.9 update refresh ninja'ed me.
  18. Immortals [Worm]

    Hmm....I like this story but.... Montague is too damn overpowered for a 'secondary'
  19. It Gets Worse [Worm AU Fanfic] Complete

    Coil takedown, Lung fight, Leviathan, and power reveal are pretty much the only reasons anyone bothers to read any Worm fics anymore aside from Cloudy Path and the QQ fics.
  20. It Gets Worse [Worm AU Fanfic] Complete

    It's not that he doesn't have Problems with them. It's that like Tt his power is internalized enough that the lolnope doesn't affect it. Dinah could counter him for a limited time, she just didn't have the stamina for it. Contessa can counter him being PtV is constantly re-evaluating. So...