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Search results for query: *

  1. Guardonion

    Starstruck [Stellaris/Nier: Automata/Mass Effect]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3: Which Path We Took

    We will... Face the odds against us, and run into the fear we run from. -Lieutenant [REDACTED], shuttle pilot for Operation Hearth, moments before being reprimanded for breaking radio silence. _________ The Inheritors It wasn't often that something entered Sol. It was an occurrence so rare...
  2. Guardonion

    Starstruck [Stellaris/Nier: Automata/Mass Effect]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2: Where We Came From

    This chapter will see us introduced to the PoV character of this Arc, enjoy... __________ Home at last... -An unnamed soldier, her voice was easily picked up from the surveillance footage of the Mess Hall of the ship she'd been stationed in as she and her comrades stood in absolute awestruck...
  3. Guardonion

    Starstruck [Stellaris/Nier: Automata/Mass Effect]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Who We Are

    Is it supposed to be this silent..? -Chief Communications Officer Mathias Baroque of the AV Ornogon __________ The Kuiper Belt. AV Ornogon. Captain Alexandra Sigurdsson "Captain Sigurdsson," A gravelly voice spoke through the communications terminal as a human-sized projection took shape in...
  4. Guardonion

    Starstruck [Stellaris/Nier: Automata/Mass Effect]
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Two Hundred Years, it has been two hundred years of toil and hardship. Bastion was not always called Humanity's Home Away From Home so affectionately back then, as the first of our people stepped outside the Arks which brought us here, they were faced with constant challenges. Had they not...