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  1. Imperialaxis

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    You know, I really like this ending. It’s simple, it makes sense, and it’s honestly less depressing than canon. Aisha still being alive means a lot, and I would absolutely read a romantic hurt/comfort sequel fic of Taylor learning to be a human again under Aisha’s tender care.
  2. Imperialaxis

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Something about this chapter is just so satisfying. It's a great payoff for the arc, even if Jack and Riley are still alive, which probably means that the 9000 are still going to happen. Also just hilarious in general. Poor Damsel, but god was that segment funny
  3. Imperialaxis

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Good god I can’t believe that Alec of all people has somehow stumbled into genuinely caring relationships
  4. Imperialaxis

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    It ironic, Evil Taylor doesn’t even need to do anything to accomplish her goals. Taylor is already going to do them to herself. Also, ooooh, I really want Amy and Taylor as Slaughterhouse buddies, that sounds like a lot of fun. Ah well, hopefully she can at least make friends with Riley, the...
  5. Imperialaxis

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    why must you do this to my heart
  6. Imperialaxis

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Oh god, why is being Taylor Hebert always suffering? Please can we move on into the recovery arc? I need there to be a recovery arc where nice things happen and Taylor makes real friends…