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Search results for query: *

  1. Jackie

    The Curious Case of Rei Ikari
    Threadmarks: chapter 50

    Chapter 50: New Eden I knew what was going to happen. I could feel it in my bones. Unit One had changed, cast off its armor, ascended to the sky and... become Ayanami. Every bit as large as the giant of light, the unmistakable form of a woman, with her own soft white glow and flowing hair...
  2. Jackie

    The Curious Case of Rei Ikari
    Threadmarks: Chapter 49

    Chapter 49: Unbound I could not, despite my vow, leave her to her fate. Not now, not ever. It would be worse than what I'd been forced to endure when we'd piloted together. Worse than the not-knowing if I'd see her again. Worse than leaving him behind. Unit One was familiar to me in a way...
  3. Jackie

    The Curious Case of Rei Ikari
    Threadmarks: Chapter 48

    Chapter 48: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Allusions to horror and devastation came to mind, terror and mayhem, a sort of ordered chaos. In the moment, anything more eloquent than the obvious was out of reach; the visage of the wounded earth saw to that. It would have made sense...
  4. Jackie

    The Curious Case of Rei Ikari
    Threadmarks: Chapter 47

    Chapter 47: One Last ____ In one moment I was looking into the eyes of Rei Ayanami, who was standing on the gang-plank leading from the submarine. In the next moment it felt like I had a nosebleed and my eyes rolled back in my head, a moment before I crashed into the decking. The smell of...
  5. Jackie

    The Curious Case of Rei Ikari
    Threadmarks: Chapter 46

    Chapter 46: Unsteady The bottle slid from my half-numb fingertips and shattered against the tarmac, but I didn't care. It didn't matter because I had five more in my left hand, the bottle in my right had been empty, and my stomach had room for another case and a half. If I pushed myself...
  6. Jackie

    The Curious Case of Rei Ikari
    Threadmarks: Chapter 45

    Chapter 45: John Becket We get what we deserve. Through action or inaction, everything always comes back to us in the end, and there were no exceptions. My pain was my penance, my solitude was my reward, for a time. Maybe the other shoe hadn't dropped yet, maybe this reconciliation was for...
  7. Jackie

    I, Sith

    Well sure but why wouldn't he have that skill? Clones were all the same but Jedi came in all shapes and sizes. There's no reason to assume he wouldn't be able to do it.
  8. Jackie

    I, Sith

    Because clones had to battlefield repair their own armor, and Star Wars tech makes re-purposing materials pretty quick and easy. As to how he made it fit her, he had her old armor as a template. Since she's a lot smaller than a storm trooper and he had more armor to work with, he could just...
  9. Jackie

    I, Sith

    I don't know if i could call Rena Van 'sensible'
  10. Jackie

    The Curious Case of Rei Ikari
    Threadmarks: chapter 44

    Chapter 44: Getting the band back together The meeting room we occupied looked like it had been carved right out of an old ship, and it very well may have been. They had to get the materials for the platform from somewhere and they hardly needed every ship that had come through. Tenders and...
  11. Jackie

    The Curious Case of Rei Ikari
    Threadmarks: chapter 43

    Chapter 43: What you can't live without “They'll never let you land.” Makinami's voice was not angry, but it was forceful. Of course it would be. My eyes flicked from Rae to Mari, “Why do you bring that up?” “Because I know what an Ayanami would do in this situation.” Mari continued...
  12. Jackie

    I, Sith
    Threadmarks: 8

    Chapter 8: Relative Safety was, as always, a relative term. The freighter's controls were sluggish, spongy, as we descended through the central shaft of a long, long abandoned spaceport. Around the perimeter were rusted blast doors leading to long since collapsed hanger bays, with only a...
  13. Jackie

    I, Sith
    Threadmarks: 7

    Chapter 7: Master and Slave The cold grip of fear grew tight around my insides. This had always been a possibility, but I had counted on being gone before he came to me. But he had shown up, and he's said those words. I pulled away from him and brought my lightsaber back to the guard position...
  14. Jackie

    I, Sith
    Threadmarks: 6

    Chapter 6: Three The artificial lighting of the storage room gave way to the sum of all of the aches and pains I'd earned the previous day. My lekku felt like they'd been caught in an airlock. Memories of the brief fight I'd had with Lucky told me the reason why. I pushed myself up to a...
  15. Jackie

    I, Sith
    Threadmarks: 5

    Chapter 5: The Soldier BF-1524 had, like all stormtroopers of the First Order, spent his life in the role. Taken as a child from his family, he'd never known the kind of familial love that most children experienced. Instead, he spent his time, from a very young age, learning the ways of being a...
  16. Jackie

    I, Sith
    Threadmarks: 4

    Chapter 4: The Pretender The TIE still sat upon the docking platform, shining in the sunlight. The pockmarks from the inbound turbolaser fire during my earlier escape only added to the character of the starfighter that was rapidly growing on me, in its own way. The hatch was already partially...
  17. Jackie

    I, Sith
    Threadmarks: 3

    Chapter 3: All Lucky Sevens The silence was awkward, as silences are wont to be. Normally I'd have been thrilled to have peace and quiet, but the stress of the recent fight, if it could be called that, still hung over me like a black cloud. With the impending threat of stormtroopers inviting...
  18. Jackie

    I, Sith
    Threadmarks: 2

    Chapter 2: Old Soldier I'd never been a student of history, something that became a real problem for me while I explored the wreck of the sort-of star destroyer. I hadn't been a student of much, really. Whatever my master had taught me. Basic things, things to get me by. He wasn't much of a...
  19. Jackie

    I, Sith
    Threadmarks: 1

    I, Sith Chapter 1: Escape The waiting was always the hardest part of any job, sitting and wondering, waiting for the payout, wondering if you were betrayed and an an Imp agent was on their way instead of the runner. That's what they always were, just jobs. Paychecks, not people. Marks, suckers...
  20. Jackie

    The Curious Case of Rei Ikari
