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Search results for query: *

  1. Mgunh1

    Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

    Most of them can prove it to one degree or another, though. Of course, the Joker used it as an excuse at one point and his grasp on reality is tenuous at best. Just because you're right, doesn't mean you're not delusional, it just means you got lucky.
  2. Mgunh1

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    All synthetic kyber crystals are red, though the reasoning for this seems to shift between canons. Though, for the most part, the red seems to be an artefact of the fact that synthetic kyber crystal synthesis is based in dark side techniques. Each crystal colour actually has a meaning and...
  3. Mgunh1

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Erherm *cough* This is good, very good. Also, I am choosing to believe this Darth Vader is being played by Sebastian Shaw. Dunno why, but Sebastian Shaw feels better as an older, retired Darth Vader.
  4. Mgunh1

    Artificer [Worm/Essence Meta CYOA - SI]

    I hate region-locked content on youtube -.- Could you tell us what that video was supposed to be so I can search up a more user friendly version?
  5. Mgunh1

    Miniature Hunter

  6. Mgunh1

    Dragon's Hoard (Worm Multicross)

    Yeah, Skynet's attack was more of a really advanced Paperclip Problem than a true AI Rebellion. In fact, you kind of see it from time to time; it is truly unable to think of anything unless it is in terms of combat. Skynet is Sentient, yes, but I honestly do not believe it is Sapient. It...
  7. Mgunh1

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    This, so much this. CF is far too much on its own for most settings. Its why it works so well in Worm or Warhammer and so on, because those are setting that need to be broken, because Hope Is Dead, and dangerous enough that you require that kind of power just to survive. Basically, you need a...
  8. Mgunh1

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    Well, what if you sort of blend Celestial Forge's rules with Inspired Inventor's? Basically, you get one charge per X arbitrary time period, where one charge is worth the minimum CP value (50). You only roll on the forge if you spend your charges. The more charges spent the better the results...
  9. Mgunh1

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    TBF, it started with me and Blade4 discussing the better psychic options Cliff could take and then debating the merits of Starcraft psionics. But, yeah, it has meandered a bit hasn't it?
  10. Mgunh1

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    Except the Earth forces, which turned up during the Brood War, canonically had no clue about psionics, despite being technologically superior to the Terrans to a ludicrous degree. To put it into perspective, what the Terrans called battlecruisers, Earth called scout frigates. And yet, despite...
  11. Mgunh1

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    I think the problem is that people come for the power fantasy, but Cliff isn't quite well known enough for people to recognise that his strength is in world building and characters, which is naturally a slower burn, rather than rampant power fantasy like, say, Dritch. So they get pissy that...
  12. Mgunh1

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    Yeah, although she was a outlier due to her sheer power (which rivals the Protoss). Most psionics don't go off quite that spectacularly. Even Kerrigan, iirc, didn't go off that hard.
  13. Mgunh1

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    The humans of Starcraft aren't that grimderp. They instead figured out a series of tests they could do at a very young age to identify people with psionic potential, which is kinda random and doesn't really follow bloodlines. And even before a true psionic awakening, those with potential will...
  14. Mgunh1

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    That's why I would normally recommend Xcom psionics. It is supposed to be rather powerful at the upper end (though we never truly see its potential) and capable of interfacing with technology, with no downsides to its use (like Starcraft's human psionics having the tendency to explode like a ton...
  15. Mgunh1

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    Actually, this is a major point. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the whole reason mechwarrior mechs are mechs and not tanks is due to the neurohelm itself; it is probably much easier to map limbs to limbs than, say, legs to treads, and probably much easier to learn and control for the pilot. I...
  16. Mgunh1

    Everything Everywhere One Thing at a Time (Harry Potter / Stargate Multicross)

    This. More of this please. I'm not sure where the Stargate side comes in, but I am thoroughly enjoying your take on a seer!Harry. It is subtle and not overwhelming the story with some sort of super Harry.
  17. Mgunh1

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Ah yes, Zone of the Enders. The game that put the cock back into cockpit. I don't care how strong those mechs are, I just cannot get over the fact that the entire series is an overly elaborate penis joke.
  18. Mgunh1

    Big and Small (a BattleTech story... with nanites)

    I dunno, puddings can run pretty quickly when they want to.
  19. Mgunh1

    Godling(MLP AU/CYOA Story, Viewer Driven)

    Guys, seriously, this is dead.
  20. Mgunh1

    Dakka (Worm AU/ Alt Power)

    FIFY Drones are just self guided, reusable missiles.