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Search results for query: *

  1. Repentant_Dragos

    The Agent - A Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and Puella Magi Madoka Magica Fanfic (with some elements f
    Threadmarks: Chapter One - Witness Statement

    Chapter One: Witness Statement The storm had faded, and Homura Akemi had returned to her apartment after accompanying Madoka back to the evacuation shelter. Kyubey was lounging on one of the cushions as though he/it owned the place; Homura silently fumed at that but grudgingly tolerated that...
  2. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds
    Extras: Omake: Who You Are in the Dark

    Omake: Who are You in the Dark? Author’s Note: Despite this fanfic being dropped, and then rebooted, I wanted to write out a key scene I never got to in the story itself; a scene I only had vague ideas about in my head, but which I wanted to write - Too bad I exhausted myself before doing so...
  3. Repentant_Dragos

    The Agent - A Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and Puella Magi Madoka Magica Fanfic (with some elements f

    There will be more. Been brainstorming designs/face claims for Ken's boyfriend, too; yes, there is an established relationship.
  4. Repentant_Dragos

    The Agent - A Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and Puella Magi Madoka Magica Fanfic (with some elements f

    Bisexual, technically, but if you don't like that aspect, that's fine; you can read something else.
  5. Repentant_Dragos

    The Agent - A Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and Puella Magi Madoka Magica Fanfic (with some elements f
    Threadmarks: Prologue - The Interloper

    The Agent - A Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and Puella Magi Madoka Magica Fanfic (with some elements from Rebuild of Evangelion) Prologue - The Interloper Disclaimer: I do not own Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Rebuild of Evangelion. A storm raged on in...
  6. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor: Rebooted (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva +

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor: Rebooted (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds Crossover) Prologue - Ascension to Protagonisthood Shiro Tokita was having a good day, and it showed in his smile as his limousine drove through the streets of Tokyo-2, his driver...
  7. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds
    Extras: Reboot Announcement!

    There will be a reboot no later than Christmas Day, December 25, Philippine Time (December 24, Christmas Eve, America).
  8. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds

    I still don't like it or want it; just not a fan.
  9. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds

    Hmm... All I will say is that I might get people not liking me 'mispotraying' 40k, though?
  10. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds

    One more Edit: Yeah, let's not talk about borderline political stuff here. I am also not interested in an actual crossover with W40k or any crossover or idea that does not give the heroes any character development or legitimate challenges and is only a power fantasy curb stomp. Also, sorry for...
  11. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds

    You do realize that Ancient Greece and Rome did all three, right? Either way, let's not talk about this: The fanfic is over so let's not talk about it.
  12. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds

    Even so, respect for other human beings is important. And that is all I'll say about that.
  13. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds
    Threadmarks: End of the Fic

    End of the Fic Author’s Note: Well, it’s been a long journey, and I had a lot of good times writing out this fic. But alas, all good things have to come to an end, and this fic likewise; I’ve run out of inspiration on how to continue plus the existing story has run into a rut. However, so as...
  14. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds

    This is in QQ SFW for a reason, you know? And the NSFW version was only for Adult/Adult scenes.
  15. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds
    Threadmarks: Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Sixteen Camael felt she had at least burnt that redhead, metaphorically if not literally. As she floated to meet with Kassa in SEELE’s moonbase, she smiled to herself about how she had exposed Asuka Langley Sorhyu’s flaws to her own ‘team’, a team she had viewed as a captive audience...
  16. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds

    Thinking no Ark of the Covenant for now, sadly...
  17. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds
    Threadmarks: Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Fifteen Here she is again; does she hate Asuka or something? Shinji thought about Camael as she tossed around Unit-13 like a ragdoll with her telekinesis, before Kaworu activated his own AT-Field and cut off her invisible grip. She looks like Rei and acts like Rei a little, but she is...
  18. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds

    Glad you think it's glorious, btw. But I personally don't like AdEva, or Dark Heresy, the system it uses, in general. Yep. Note that I would prefer to make Custom upgrades to the Canon Angels first, but I need to find something that isn't a ripoff of Bluepencil's famous fanfic...
  19. Repentant_Dragos

    Shiro Tokita has a Weird Visitor (Evangelion Fanfic, Canon Character Protagonist, OG Eva + Rebuilds

    Well, there are Custom Angels in the fic already...