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Search results for query: *

  1. RinKaihou

    The Wolf of Castelia (Pokemon - Absol SI)

    If Iris is as much Dragon as Hilda is Steel, yeah I'm not surprised. Also, a dragon named Kenta that gave up after facing an unstoppable force and drowned itself in vice lol
  2. RinKaihou

    Live Streaming for Power (Worm CYOA V17)

    On one hand, the fact that they're usually a very minor part of the story makes them seem like unnecessary bloat. On the other hand, people just like making mountains of molehills.
  3. RinKaihou

    Live Streaming for Power (Worm CYOA V17)

    Eh, of all the fanfic tropes I'd like to stop being made, gender benders are extremely low on the totem pole
  4. RinKaihou

    Worm: Babel (Worm/Cthulhu Mythos Crossover)

    This fic: suddenly lives Me: That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons, even death may die. Ia, ia, Annotator fthagn.
  5. RinKaihou

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Harry better kidnap this damsel ASAP. Luna deserves all the hugs.
  6. RinKaihou

    insert 'Worm' character here saves the world... By accident.

    You pretty much described the stories with luck-based powers. It Gets Worse (if I got my fics straight) had a chain of events that led to Kaiser's defeat that started from an airplane dumping blue ice.
  7. RinKaihou

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Ia, ia, Gldry Fthaghn
  8. RinKaihou

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Good to know. *Exits the nuclear bunker*
  9. RinKaihou

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Could it be? A competent Lockhart? And, and, not an actively malicious one?
  10. RinKaihou

    Reformed, Returned and Really Trying (Harry Potter AU) (Complete)

    I, too wish for a portrait Dumbledore snippet, preferably one where Grindelwald is fawning over him and he just wants the tourmaline.
  11. RinKaihou

    Reformed, Returned and Really Trying (Harry Potter AU) (Complete)

    The most memorable thing I remember from Black Comedy was the Remus in that world adopted the Tonks from that world and have a father-daughter relationship. Their reactions to learning that their counterparts married and had a kid was amusing. Note: My memory is iffy, this may or may not be...
  12. RinKaihou

    Reformed, Returned and Really Trying (Harry Potter AU) (Complete)

    And so, it begins (accidental European conquest that is)
  13. RinKaihou

    Reformed, Returned and Really Trying (Harry Potter AU) (Complete)

    I had thought the HP fandom was no longer producing good stuff since everything just seemed to be an inferior version of an earlier story, a canon redux, weird ass AUs or just plain bad. This proved me wrong. Wonder how Albus is reacting to this in the afterlife
  14. RinKaihou

    I Am Ziz [Worm SI!Simurgh]

    Greed and compassion is me. My lifelong dream is to get so rich that when friends ask to borrow money I'd just give it to then and act like magnanimous rich kid.