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Search results for query: *

  1. Seij

    SHINOBI: The RPG - New Game

    I think the real experience in your story is in reading from the previous drafts up to this point. And sure, we get to experience Daisuke and friends, but the real experience is in how you grew up. Honestly, that by itself is a good journey. In reading what you've written, how you've written...
  2. Seij

    SHINOBI: The RPG - New Game

    Yes. Ramen. Is. Good. Also, I think you don't have to translate Dolphins and their acts too literally. Yes they've been known to herd away females to beat and bite into submission before gang-banging them, but you could take that as a willingness to cooperate with others in order to achieve...
  3. Seij

    SHINOBI: The RPG - New Game

    Yus! New chapter! Life being as stressful as it is, it's great to get a breather and see your favourite fanfiction updated. I especially liked the introspection about how it was possible that Daisuke took care of two ROOT nins and the power of his hyper-specialisation. I wondered it myself and...
  4. Seij

    SHINOBI: The RPG - New Game

    Ah, so it begins... Ramen in written form, how I've missed thee. This never fails to summon a packet of instant noodles into my waiting stomach. Such is life. It's been so long I've almost forgotten the taste... Jokes aside, I'm really liking this rewrite, and I know you'll deliver when you...
  5. Seij

    SHINOBI: The RPG - Act 2 (Naruto/Fallout SI)

    OMG, thought this was abandoned until I actually went back to SB to check. Turns out this moved here. Thought all my support on patreon was for naught haha. Time to catch up! My goodness. Silver lining is that I have a tonne to read!