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Search results for query: *

  1. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #033 Kama Salt

    #033 Kama Salt She's still the best Quick Loli Design Notes Jack was my first 5 Star and I didn't get Kama, meanwhile my friends are flaunting her. Copied off Skadi Salt but did a twist, originally they were going to hug but the sprites didn't work out. Slight reference to...
  2. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #032 Happy Birthday Kariya

    #032 Happy Birthday Kariya Your insurance won't cover that. Design Notes Didn't have much with his limited sprites, included his hobby of photography and talent in creative writing, subtly having him die in a non extravagant location as he would want. Nightingale was going to...
  3. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #031 An Elementary St. Patrick's Day

    #031 An Elementary St. Patrick's Day A few seconds later Holmes was disappointed that he couldn't get high from grounded up four leaf clovers. Design Notes I did this quick as I didn't plan on one. So here's a comment I did on Reddit to explain the series name I explained it on...
  4. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #030 Ides of March

    #030 Ides of March Such violence! - Caesar's actual last words...maybe. Design Notes Not feeling up to it this week, made one I had planned. StikBots Off the Grid by Moonshine Productions - a very original stop motion using some toy I never heard of but I like the sets used and...
  5. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

    I’ll answer both The AH story takes place where Imperial Japan in WW2 was able to scrounge enough resources to make Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night / Operation PX possible, which is a two part plan. Part 1 is to drop specially made bombshell that contain fleas with the Bubonic Plague but...
  6. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #029 Happy Birthday Musashi

    #029 Happy Birthday Musashi Now she's closer to being like her male counterpart Design Notes Tired from work had to get this one done fast kept trying to find a way to make a educational joke. OroJuice's comic with Mephy as Kadoc's Servant was a big inspiration in using him, I...
  7. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #028 Wrong Pentagram

    #028 Wrong Pentagram If you find yourself worshipping the Devil please contact your local exorcist. Design Notes Easy one I meant to post but I didn't have the resources yet. Food Scandal Chapter 1: The Beginning, a star wars fanfic | FanFiction a fic to Root for the Empire and feel...
  8. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #027 Happy Birthday Anne Bonny

    #027 Happy Birthday Anne Bonny Now let's see if we can get Master to join us. Design Notes Simplistic one with a bit of seriousness and history. I fact checked the FGO anthology and it was accurate on the Yuri Pirates history. Both had sad childhoods from being illegitimate daughters...
  9. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #026 Happy Birthday Reines

    #026 Happy Birthday Reines Better watch your back Waver. Design Notes I had forgotten about Reines Birthday and only had a reminder on my ipad, so I decided to roll with the joke about her being scorned and crazier than canon. Got the EKG Spidey Sense idea from the comic below...
  10. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #025 Rulers Assemble!

    #025 Rulers Assemble! They all had holographic shawarma afterwards Design Notes Originally I was going to use my Ruler team but seeing the JP ones with their expressions I had to include all 10. I wish we had Lucha Mask Martha costume, same with Santa Island Kamen, and Bombastic...
  11. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #024 Secret of BB

    #024 Secret of BB The result of yet another one of Suzuka's big brained schemes. Design Notes I was bothered with the dialogue of Suzuka so I embraced the cringe, the explosion is made to look fake but it was one that I liked. Took the idea from Hokusai's Quest about Suzuka wanting to...
  12. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #023 Happy Birthday Sakura (&BB)

    #023 Happy Birthday Sakura And the party never ended. Design Notes A simple one, didn't have to change the Kishinami twins too much, and I just had to use Summer BB. Fanfic of the day But Doctor, I Am Pagliacci [DC, Joker, AU] | SpaceBattles Forums , based on the prompt that Joker...
  13. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #022 Kiara Strikes Out

    #022 Kiara Strikes Out Out maneuvered yet again. Design Notes While I do find Kiara attractive, I have better options that are far less evil. I was going to add in Mata Hari, Anne and Bonnie, Carmilla, Lancer Artoria, and Tomoe but I don't have the room and some of them don't...
  14. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #021 Emiya's Unwanted Reunions: Vlad III (EXTRA)

    #021 Emiya's Unwanted Reunions: Vlad III (EXTRA) *Actual dialogue Design Notes But not really some of it was changed to fit the flow better but Vlad does say all of that in EXTRA, except for the last line which belongs to Emiya. Yes I've wanted to do this one for a while. I...
  15. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #020 Back to Back Events

    #020 Back to Back Events You just go BB-blocked! Design Notes I meant to post this earlier but real life now matches the first panel. And the annoying lines came back in the last comic so I changed it up so that the clear edges are no longer seen. Kiyohime comes from her trimmed...
  16. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #019 Long Version Astolfo’s Advertisement

    #019 Long Version Astolfo’s Advertisement At least the money goes to a good cause? Design Notes Yeah this was the original, saw a video about how this meme could cause the problem stated above. Since I am a neutral party I’ll just make a hypocritical joke. You know you can all ask me...
  17. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

    I’ve had halo and Mass effect, pretty much obscure ones I like. I adapt fate fics when I can.
  18. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: #019 Short Version Astolfo's Advertisement

    #019 Short Version Astolfo's Advertisement He can't get paid a sponsorship due to a lack of paperwork. Got on the Astolfo train, this was easy to think of, longer version coming soon Fanfic of the day Warband of the Forsaken Sons Chapter 1 : The Flight from Terra, a warhammer fanfic |...
  19. Seth Vatamaris

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")
    Threadmarks: A Medb Valentine
