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Search results for query: *

  1. TanaNari

    Land of the Dead (High School of the Dead SI)

    Probably used it, already. Yeah... funny thing about anal in a world where running water and antibiotic soaps suddenly aren't available anymore. And by 'funny' I mean 'dick rot'. Poor sanitation has killed more people than pretty much everything else combined.
  2. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Character Sheet: Rumia

    Rumia ===== A/N- Welcome to the game's heavily skill-based mobile super-sniper. Rumia's the first character that ranges from worthless to god-tier depending almost entirely on how well the player bothers to learn her mechanics.
  3. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 27- Playing with fire.

    Celeste took a slow breath, considering the situation. She would never say it out loud, due in no small part to the fact that doing so would spell doom for the Isylan population, but most of their people were weak. While many inherited complex and invaluable abilities to twist space and time...
  4. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 26- The best laid plans of zombie mice and skeletons.

    Guided by Celeste's wind magic, the makeshift raft drifted up the narrow stream in the depths of a ravine. The tall yellowed walls of stone blocked out enough of the sun that it reduced the light of the afternoon to the twilight of evening. Ada stared outward at the unseen latticework of what...
  5. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 25- And the World's Biggest Asshole award goes to...

    Ada awoke to the ground below her swaying, and her head resting on something warm. It took a few moments for her to realize she was on a swaying boat, with her head in Shiara's lap. She struggled to move, but after a moment slumped back to her resting place. "Hey there." Shiara put a hand on...
  6. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 24- The Deathbringer

    "Heal her! She's dying!" Arakash struggled to stand, to move, his instincts screaming that every moment here was a moment closer to death. He shifted back to his demonic state, no longer able to maintain the fleshcrafted illusion that was his human form. "Understood." Even in this situation...
  7. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 23- The Day the Sky Shattered.

    "Ugh, and then, after an hour of explaining to her that no, we have no plans to marry Soret to any of the Karanan royalty, she has the gall to point out that my father is also lacking a spouse at the moment." Princess Adageyudi slapped both hands over her face. "Well, at least that's a new...
  8. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 22- The cruelest chains are those we put on ourselves.

    Vera's library was a masterwork of stoneshifting and glasswork. The pillars of the building were drawn from the very bedrock beneath the city and shaped into pleasing pillars of white stone and draped with decorative silks. It was the single most impressive construction in Vera, and some argued...
  9. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 21- Cloaks, daggers, and other fashion accessories

    "Well," a voice said in the dark. The younger Lendril, now head of his family, jumped out of his seat. He glanced around, saw nothing, smelled nothing. "Who's there!?" For a moment, he prayed to every god his people acknowledged that he wasn't going insane now that he was in power. "-looks...
  10. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 20- Please don't sue, Scooby-Doo.

    "I apologize deeply for this insult, Princess," the elder Lendril bowed in supplication. "Is there anything we can do to apologize? Anything at all?" Celeste kept a hand on Ada's shoulder; she had recovered from the physical harm of rejecting the poison, but Celeste knew well that scars ran...
  11. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 19- Where I've run out of jokes.

    The Ort-Selucid estate was an unusual one to say the least. While most of the estate buildings were constructed from crafted stone, the material here seemed to be small rectangular blocks positioned to overlap one another. Princess Adageyudi had experienced her share of masonry, but none...
  12. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 18- Almost the perfect waifu.

    For a moment, Celeste lost the ability to hide her surprise. "The Selucid? Interesting choice." Yet again, she found herself wondering how much this girl knew. "Allow me to translate." Arakash succeeded in hiding his reaction; centuries of conquests had honed his talent for concealing his...
  13. TanaNari

    Snape, I need you to kill a baby [Harry Potter, crack, one shot]

    Still a better love story than Twilight made more sense than the source material.
  14. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 17- Heartbreak and PTSD

    It required more running that Shiara expected to catch the princess. A burst of speed enhanced by magic was required to close the final distance. "Ada! Wait up!" "Just leave me alone." Ada faced away from Shiara, but stopped running. "No!" Shiara folded forward, holding her knees and...
  15. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 16- Princess Propositions Prostitute

    Celeste gestured at a side road. "Head in that direction, if you please. You'll find a park by the river, where I'll meet you shortly. For the purpose of discretion, I'm sure you understand." Anything that prevents another assassination attempt, Ada thought. "Thank you." "May your path be...
  16. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Midara Combat System

    Disclaimer: much of the ideas for this system were developed in the late 90s/early 00s, but I think it's solid enough to be valid in the modern market. Not as original as it once was, however. The combat system itself was built around what I once described as a top down battlefield game...
  17. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox

    Well, then I hate you forever. Or at least until you start reading. Thanks. Yeah... I have a bizarre sense of humor like that. You should read the summery of the story in my signature. I'm quite fond of it.
  18. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Celeste Character Sheet

    CELESTE: ===== Do let me know what hair color you think would best suit Celeste. I'm mostly torn between blue, silver, and white... blonde is also a possibility, but I think there's enough tall blonde bombshell warrior-angel archetypes out there, already, so I'm not a big fan of...
  19. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 15- Guardian Angelfish

    An hour of walking found them at the edge of the pass, into the forests below. "Whelp, this is where we stop," Tel said. "Just keep walking down the trail, once ya get to the bottom follow the signs. If ya can't find Vera from here, ya don't deserve to live." Ada stopped for a moment. "You're...
  20. TanaNari

    Midara: Paradox
    Threadmarks: Chapter 14- Blood, Tears, and Steel.

    Shiara stood leaning against a tree, watching Ada scrub her arms clean and lamenting that it could be done with clothing on. "You know, I rather like when we're organized, know our targets, and kill them in an orderly, coordinated way." "You mean, planning?" Still scrubbing her arms with a...