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Search results for query: *

  1. WaNoMatsuri

    Like Mother, Like Daughter? (W.I.T.C.H.)

    I like it! I haven’t thought about that series for years and am only familiar with the tv show so this should be interesting.
  2. WaNoMatsuri

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    There is also the option of doing something LordRoustabot termed “Trinkets and… Specialities(?)” where you can’t buy anything costing more than 200 cp. so it’s not as op.
  3. WaNoMatsuri

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    You know, I was never a sci-fi fan, being more into fantasy, probably because I have easier time imagining it but this video started convincing me otherwise.
  4. WaNoMatsuri

    Master of Wood, Water and Hill (The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings)

    Oh my god, this is amazing. Thorin falling on his face… splendid.
  5. WaNoMatsuri

    Master of Wood, Water and Hill (The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings)

    Oh man, this is awesome!
  6. WaNoMatsuri

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived

    And they missed Astronomy, didn't they?
  7. WaNoMatsuri

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived

    Didn't Dumbledore only learn of horcruxes after ecamining the diary remains? Or are you going with that it only confirmed it for him?
  8. WaNoMatsuri

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    Typos Kinda clunky info dump but I expect it will get better as you progress enough to get us up to speed on the setting.
  9. WaNoMatsuri

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    Stepczynski. Well, Stepczyński but I won't expect miracles :P Unless it was anglicized spelling but then why Sophis isn't Novak? The welcome wasn't very warm but on the Plus side, it could only get better! :) And now she gets to go to an official function and possibly get recognition in the...
  10. WaNoMatsuri

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    Pretty sure what I quoted was from her father - thats why it was jarring, for everyone else it's normal to use the official language - is it English there too?-- and slavic languages are the weird ones with all the, uh, I forgot what changing words depending on tense/ subject is called. Sorry...
  11. WaNoMatsuri

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    Ok, but there is cultural bleed through and then there is erasing the basic function of a language, unless they are talking in English or whatever, Poles are going to use dimunitive forms of names. I forgot to write it but my niece Sophia is called Sofinka and her sister Mia is called Mi-yu-nya...
  12. WaNoMatsuri

    Forging Ahead (GURPS Interstellar Wars/Celestial Forge)

    Ugh, I hate it when people name their kids in English when Polish has perfectly valid version! They did it with their first, Michał, why oh why didn't they name her Zofia? I mean, my brother named his daughter Sophia but that's because she was born and is raised in Ireland, and he still...
  13. WaNoMatsuri

    Magic Knows No Boundaries But Those We Believe In (Harry Potter)

    nice, I'll be watching. Edit: But claiming that EVERY disaster and mystery is because of magic or wizards is over the top imo, sometimes, like with charnobyl, experiments just go wrong.
  14. WaNoMatsuri

    Reality Intrudes [Worm/Matrix AU]

    Aaaaanyway, I love the idea but man, poor Taylor. On one hand she's helping save the world but on the other is it true? and she's getting Mastered after a traumatic situation so she's going to be conflicted and doubting her own mind.
  15. WaNoMatsuri

    Ponzi (Worm/Celestial Forge)

    I thought he would at least comment at Armsy having backups but eh, not important. For how long Ponzi had CF? Less than 2 months, right? No chance of the kid inheriting a system or smth? (Does he have anything inheritable?)
  16. WaNoMatsuri

    Ponzi (Worm/Celestial Forge)

    It's probably because I had flashbacks to when I tried to play... fuck, why am I so bad at remembering names? anyway, it was something out of 00s, I think, first of the franchise and it not aged well. It was pretty similiar, you are dropped on some island and have to go do something while...
  17. WaNoMatsuri

    Ponzi (Worm/Celestial Forge)

    Fenja's I'm not a fan of the game segment, but whatever, it's fine. I just have a permanent red spot from facepalming at anything ponzi does ;p
  18. WaNoMatsuri

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    It's a weird galaxy considering salves are armed here
  19. WaNoMatsuri

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Funt and who? Nice, watched.
  20. WaNoMatsuri

    Fourth [Worm Altpower!Taylor]

    Eh, I wouldn't be interested anyway. Let's drop it, ok?