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Search results for query: *

  1. ezok

    Chaldea on Fire (Fate/Grand Order SI)

    would be too much to ask the mods to close this thread until pigs fly, erhm, I mean, until whenever Silver feels like updating this story again?
  2. ezok

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

    Can we suggest reccomendations for you to put on you posts? The merrywheater on was kimd of weak. Don't get me wrong, I do follow his works but the recc was kind of meh. How about this one"?: Astartes project.
  3. ezok

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

    I wouldn't mind being spoiled, I don't think I will ever get around to reading that fic. Part of it is a lack of interest in WWII. But mostly it's becuase my 'to read' list is getting quite ridiculous in its lenght. As for redline, your guess is as good as mine. And I don't know enough about...
  4. ezok

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

    Whatbis it about?
  5. ezok

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

  6. ezok

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

    Why did I hear the last line in the Major's voice from the last episode of Hellsing Abridged. The "show me what you love" scene.
  7. ezok

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

    That's not the long version.
  8. ezok

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

    I noticed that the fics you keep recc'ing are mostly WH40K instea of, well, Nasuverse ones. Why is that?
  9. ezok

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

    Huh, NGL the second looks sexier.
  10. ezok

    Chaldean Brain Trust (Fate/Grand Order "Comics")

    Nice one. Are you gonna post it over on reddit?
  11. ezok

    Azula the Sacrificed(Avatar the Last Airbender)

    This story is great. Keep up the good work.