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Search results for query: *

  1. necrolectric

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    "Path to not getting taken over by Khepri."
  2. necrolectric

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    That was a good interlude, I had a lot of fun figuring out who everyone was based on their screen names and personalities. Good job capturing the feeling of a forum discussion.
  3. necrolectric

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    I don't even... Stepping away from the Harry Potter derail, let's look at this. You're trying to make the point that if you are familiar with the discussion around a work, then you can be said to be familiar with the work itself even without having actually read it. That's all good and fair...
  4. necrolectric

    Emissary - A Deputy Recursive Crossover (Worm AU/Canon)

    On the one hand, S9 vs the Fallen in a no-holds barred deathmatch. On the other hand, Rose and Taylor finally succumbing to the temptation of trying to figure out if it's masturbation, incest, or just narcissism to boink your inter-dimensional clone. Why would you tease us so terribly by...
  5. necrolectric

    How Taylor Hebert Agreed to Be a Slut [Worm/Slut Life]

    Well, shit, now I really need to get cracking on writing mine. I want to give it the title "Take Three", which is both a reference to how it would be the third fic to use the premise of Taylor in Slut Life and an oblique reference to certain plot events. But that really only works if I hurry...
  6. necrolectric

    How Taylor Hebert Agreed to Be a Slut [Worm/Slut Life]

    Well this thread has been an absolute rollercoaster today. Having seen both versions of the chapter, I have to agree that this new direction is a much more sensible one, and I want to thank Ack for not being too proud to listen to his readers. That said, while the original version of the...
  7. necrolectric

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    Personally, I prefer the Normandy SR-2. I still haven't fully played through ME3, so I have a bit of a harder time imagining the updated layout she had in that game, but still. Maybe not the powerhouse that some other ships are, or as homey as a Firefly, but for sleek, speedy style that's...
  8. necrolectric

    How Taylor Hebert Agreed to Be a Slut [Worm/Slut Life]

    Oh good lord it's happening again. A conversation about Slut Life that devolves into posting different historical ages of consent and discussing the socio-economic environments that informed said laws. Didn't this happen just last week in the other Taylor/Slut Life thread? I've got something...
  9. necrolectric

    How Taylor Hebert Agreed to Be a Slut [Worm/Slut Life]

    "Experience is the teacher of all things." In this case, Taylor is taking the experience ball and she is fucking running with it, good god girl. I'm looking back at the profile I'd drawn up for my take on this premise, and feeling ashamed that my Taylor isn't munchkining as hard. Although I...
  10. necrolectric

    How Taylor Hebert Agreed to Be a Slut [Worm/Slut Life]

    From what I've been able to figure out, there was a CYOA called Sissy Life, which was primarily marketed at submissive men/people with male genitalia. Someone saw that, apparently thought that the base format was interesting, and decided to make it more flexible and put a sci-fi twist on it by...
  11. necrolectric

    How Taylor Hebert Agreed to Be a Slut [Worm/Slut Life]

    I agree. I know I haven't had the time to read through all the options your modified version has, so I can't say for certain whether or not I'll be making changes when I sit down to write my own SL story, but even just as far as how the universe of SL is presented, being able to pick-and-choose...
  12. necrolectric

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    ...Damn it, I really shouldn't take this as encouragement. I really shouldn't... ...and yet there are so few 'popular female character goes through Slut Life' fics here, despite it being such an interesting concept... It's not easy being the creative sort of person, is it?
  13. necrolectric

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    Good points have been made on both sides of the contract issue at this point. An even better point, I feel, would be to stop arguing back and forth about this and give the author a chance to show how he originally planned to resolve this situation, rather than continue rehashing an argument...
  14. necrolectric

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    I went back and reread. Taylor didn't read that initial contract in it's entirety, so it seems likely to me that somewhere around the two thirds point of the contract, tucked in the middle of a paragraph so that it's easy to miss, is a line that states something to the effect of: If it's so...
  15. necrolectric

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    You're assuming that the multiversal society that Slut Life caters to and is based out of has the same laws we do. Granted some things are universal, for lack of a better word, but there clearly aren't laws forbidding incest between siblings, for example, which is something that's illegal in...
  16. necrolectric

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    So she could get more than one reward that helps her in her plan to become the best (lewdest?) heroine ever to hit Earth Bet. Also because that's the only way to wrangle things such that she becomes Slut Life's representative and casting agent for her Earth Bet, as opposed to the asshole who...
  17. necrolectric

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    Some people just don't seem to understand that if an exploit (QA multitasking and Nanoha device) depends on the characters involved knowing about the exploit in the first place, then the characters are not going to risk it over something that they know will provide a given amount of benefit...
  18. necrolectric

    Emissary - A Deputy Recursive Crossover (Worm AU/Canon)

    So... Taylor2/Carlos threesome when?
  19. necrolectric

    Emissary - A Deputy Recursive Crossover (Worm AU/Canon)

    That heretic. She should be trying to reclaim the holy land (Rose's abs) from the infidels (icky boys with boy cooties), not trying to reclaim the holy land.
  20. necrolectric

    Emissary - A Deputy Recursive Crossover (Worm AU/Canon)
