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Search results for query: *

  1. Beyondthebeyond

    Day of the 42nd Player

    [X] Cocytus Guardian of the 5th floor
  2. Beyondthebeyond

    Day of the 42nd Player

    [X] Young Slime
  3. Beyondthebeyond

    Day of the 42nd Player

    [X] Night Dwellers [X] It was a Little Boy
  4. Beyondthebeyond

    Day of the 42nd Player

    [X] Soup Kitchen
  5. Beyondthebeyond

    Day of the 42nd Player

    She has too reliqnuish all her privelages, aside from her duties, and swear an Unbreakable Vow of Loyalty too us as our Servant till we have forgiven her. Now imagine her in a Maid Outfit...
  6. Beyondthebeyond

    Day of the 42nd Player

    [X] MageTech-Demons (Demons that have been upgraded by Magic Tech) [X] Balrogs of Ulthlines (3 Giant fallen angels that burn with fire and shadows) [X] Conquer
  7. Beyondthebeyond

    Day of the 42nd Player

    [X] Teleport her away If thus happens again, we're eating her First us warning; second is a deathwish
  8. Beyondthebeyond

    Day of the 42nd Player

    [X] Teleport him to your peoples workshop [X] Summon A few Hell Hounds (The Size of Dire Wolves)
  9. Beyondthebeyond

    Day of the 42nd Player

    [X] Somewhere far [X] Yes I will feed them
  10. Beyondthebeyond

    Day of the 42nd Player

    [X] Shadow Monarch: You are a being of pure shadow, Some say that your Are nightmare incarnate. Others say that you are a bastard of Hela. But everyone says that you are what brings darkness into the world. [X] Wizard (Pick 2) -[x] Hellmancer: The Army of Hell are yours to command. -[x]...
  11. Beyondthebeyond

    Mass Effect: Dragons Cometh

    [X] Tech Armor
  12. Beyondthebeyond

    Mass Effect: Dragons Cometh

    [X] Fiddle with the Tool(You'll unlock an Ability)
  13. Beyondthebeyond

    Mass Effect: Dragons Cometh

    [x] Become a Private Investigator [x] Dream of a Kingdom too call your own
  14. Beyondthebeyond

    Mass Effect: Dragons Cometh

    [x] I am Dragonborn, Soldier of the Empire.(Male) [x] Lycanthropy -[x] Bear [x] Special Armor -[x] Dragonplate Armor
  15. Beyondthebeyond

    Rise of the Machines

    [X] Special Tactics and Reconnaissance (Spectres): You'll make a special training regiment for the raw recruits. [X] Support Both: Write Down why! -[x] it is a mutually beneficial arrangement. so why not? everyone agrees, everyone benefits.
  16. Beyondthebeyond

    Rise of the Machines

    [X] Help form the Sub-Council: While there is a council you'll make a lower ambassador Council to help with minor group to help rule.
  17. Beyondthebeyond

    Rise of the Machines

    [X] Unite the Krogan: With your supposed Godhood, you can unite many of the minor and Medium Clans. [X] Taming Wild Life: Send Trooper Droids to capture and train Varren, Kakliosaur, klixen and harvesters.
  18. Beyondthebeyond

    Rise of the Machines

    [x] Wall of Death: Long range will snipe enemies. Heavy ordnance will mow down anybody. Short Range will protect the rest. [x] Don't Bomb the Settlements?
  19. Beyondthebeyond

    Rise of the Machines

    [X] Scout the Dumping Ground [X] Take Her up on the Offer: By the end of the week you will be a larva Beenoid. However you will be able to accelerate your growth.
  20. Beyondthebeyond

    Rise of the Machines

    [X] Star Wars: Battle Droids/HK Units [X] Right: To the Hegemony and the old Territories.