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Search results for query: *

  1. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)

    If Kokuen can swing that Shizuna vote, then you're very right.
  2. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Ignite 5a

    Ignite 5a -[X] In the morning, with Irina: --[X] Ask if she had anything in particular she wanted to do, if not, suggest going to a musical performance. ---[X] If she has no preference in music, suggest something orchestral. --[X] Afterwards, stroll around for a bit and make some small talk...
  3. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)

    He could flirt with me, even without the song… He's cute enough that I wouldn't mind (hell, I'd probably flirt back).
  4. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Bonus Interlude - A Friend to Our Lady of Sin

    Interlude - A Friend to Our Lady of Sin Oh Where to Begin "This is quite the discovery, you must admit." In the gloom of the ruin, the smell of mildew and rock dust biting at the nostrils of anyone nearby, two people stood looking at an odd pile of bones. One of them, a slight figure with...
  5. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)

    Alright everyone, I need to just get some news out to you guys, nothing too worrisome, just some stuff you guys should know. My work schedule picked up a bit recently which took away some time, as well as other arrangements I had to take care of, on top of the fact that Ignite 5 is going to be...
  6. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)

    Ah yes, I remember which route you want.
  7. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)

    Oh ho? Care to elaborate?
  8. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)

    Even here, his will spreads. How terrifying.
  9. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Ignite 4

    Ignite 4 [X] Talk with Irina some more -[X] Ask her if she knows or has met any other reincarnations in this life. -[X] Ask if she has any plans for the festival and if she'd like to spend some time together. -[X] Bid her a goodnight. --[X]Hug her, and tell her how glad you are to see her...
  10. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)

    Hroom, in a way this is true.
  11. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Ignite 3

    Ignite 3 [X] Accept her offer, and continue talking for a while yet -[X] Her life here and ours in Britain. -[X] Mention you are in Japan to visit a relative. -[X] Ask her about her Miracles, and whether she would be willing to teach them to you once more "I'll take you up on that offer then...
  12. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)

    Ah, thank ye kindly~
  13. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)

    Considering the dark places this Quest was going early on in SB, I figured I should be ready. And considering the fact that I managed to impress Datcord, are you really surprised?
  14. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Ignite 2

    Ignite 2 [X] Answer… -[X] "Yes? Who is asking?" As you ask that question, you hear the woman sigh softly, "Have I changed so much? Or perhaps you are a different Lord of Ash… Either way, I suppose that I should introduce myself properly. In this life, I am Irina Takahashi, a mixed blood...
  15. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Ignite 1

    Ignite 1 [X] Spend time with Shizuna if she's free. -[X] Ask about what past Mahorafests were like and we can look forward to. [X] Try to find Takahata and tell him about our encounter with the vampire. -[X] Tell him to stop laughing. -[X] She seemed to know him, ask him how we can best deal...
  16. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Interlude - Those With Choice

    Interlude - Those With Choice The ticking of the clock reminded him how late it was getting in the evening, causing the man to put down his book and stand from his chair. He stretched a bit before walking out of his sitting room and walking into an atrium, an extremely large picture frame...
  17. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Flicker 12

    Flicker 12 [X] Read It Now You are so done right now. You grab that letter and tear open the envelope, pulling out the paper inside and unfolding it. Your eyes scan over the paper, still caught somewhere between pissed off and disgruntled. Ashen One, You suck at being stealthy, you...
  18. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Flicker 12

    Flicker 11 [X] Deal You look her in the eyes as best you can as you answer, "You have yourself a deal." "Good, good. I'll see you there," She then rattled off the name and location of the restaurant, and let her arms unwind from around your shoulders as she stepped away from you. You roll...
  19. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Flicker 10

    Flicker 10 [X] Try and talk -[X] Be polite for now. -[X] If she tries to attack us or drink our blood, use a Force Miracle and immediately run. --[X] Try to find a crowd or group of people mingle with. She's less likely to attack us then. ---[X] Try to find Takahata; he may still be up. We...
  20. Lord Trent Blackmore

    Unkindled, Or In Search of A Bonfire (HP/DS3/Akamatsuverse)
    Threadmarks: Flicker 9

    Flicker 9 [X] Stay out for a bit longer, maybe enjoy the nightlife Yeah, the night's still young, you might as well enjoy it. Choosing a direction, you start on your way, humming merrily under your breath at the sight of everyone around you feeling so jolly. Perhaps the full moon really...