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Search results for query: *

  1. ReinZero

    Magicannons & Coilguns (A Mecha Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest)
    Threadmarks: 0.3 Pre-Operation Meet Up

    You opt to make do with an Aeris Fii while placing in a request to have it tweaked to incorporate a Maneuver Array. It was a common configuration that originally started out as an improvise "upgrade" to the first of the Aeris series, persisting across the years decades as a go-to measure for...
  2. ReinZero

    Magicannons & Coilguns (A Mecha Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest)
    Threadmarks: 0.2 Of Frames and Influences

    The ship's hanger was less 'just' a hanger and more a full fledged deck of its own, a hallmark of Astrai Carriers and Cruisers or at least the non-"Assault" types. The difference between them being primarily in terms of Assault ships sporting heavier armaments and protection in exchange for...
  3. ReinZero

    Magicannons & Coilguns (A Mecha Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest)

    Hrm, uh... going to just toss up a vote tally. I'll lock in [State] and [Location] since those two have unanimous/near unanimous agreement (4/5 and 5/5 votes respectively). I'll start working on part of the update in the morning/after sleep. Options locked in: [State] Astra Imperial State +...
  4. ReinZero

    Magicannons & Coilguns (A Mecha Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest)
    Threadmarks: 0.1 An Elven Mechanic is You

    The door hissed open as you stumbled out of the sickbay. If you had a choice you'd rather avoid that disgraceful blunder, but there was little you could do about it as more memories, information 'clicked' into your head all at once. Like a sledgehammer cracking your shell of a head. Fortunately...
  5. ReinZero

    Magicannons & Coilguns (A Mecha Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest)

    I'll close the vote in about 1~2 hours from now. Getting lunch. I'll check by plan and by line when counting votes. If people need a votedeadline extension, please poke me. Edit: Vote Tallying atm... huh, oh I can just link the two to tally together...
  6. ReinZero

    Magicannons & Coilguns (A Mecha Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest)

    Need to figure out how to properly handle tally'ing across two sites... (and the feature changes on SB since uh... I last came on much on SB.) Anyhow as is that's a total of 5 different votes (3 SB, 2 QQ), with SB favoring Elven uniformly and QQ favoring Human uniformly. Independent State has...
  7. ReinZero

    Magicannons & Coilguns (A Mecha Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest)

    [Reserved] You can post now.
  8. ReinZero

    Magicannons & Coilguns (A Mecha Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest)

  9. ReinZero

    Magicannons & Coilguns (A Mecha Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest)
    Threadmarks: 0.0 Character Creation

    Flashes of light flicker before your 'sight' as you watch ten meter tall suits of armor- no, mechanical constructs engage in furious combat. It was as though a dream, if not for the fact that your 'view' of it was directly at the battlefield itself and your 'senses'. Yet it was quite unreal as...
  10. ReinZero

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    To be fair, the usual extreme people seem to go into is either large paragraph chunks or literal one-liner dialogues with little to nothing else. Somehow making the middling spectrum a rarity instead.
  11. ReinZero

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    ... what issues?
  12. ReinZero

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    Met - 1 | Omega - 0
  13. ReinZero

    Mario is Missing: Episode 1- Tanooki Town

    [X] Explore the Train! Because, this can only end in lulz.
  14. ReinZero

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Exactly... which makes remembering what it reminds me of all the more difficult.
  15. ReinZero

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] Take. Plenty of arms about, attached to other things. - [X] The bound corpse, chained and marked with ancient and crumbling sealing wards, even now seems to be reaching out from its still and permanent repose. One arm outstretched... the only portion that has not yet rotten away, but even so...
  16. ReinZero

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    *double checks script* There's a slight problem with that if we roll with your interpretation. How exactly was the bit then in ZXA pulled off by Model Z then? And effectively speaking, Zero has survived effectively being destroyed before, getting a replacement body as well, etc. Hm... that...
  17. ReinZero

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    Well if you count/look at terms of technicalities (and ignore how intact), then technically he did survive that. That being said, isn't there at least one instance that would fit "black" color scheme?
  18. ReinZero

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    ... Is Axl a mathematics?
  19. ReinZero

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    Any ideas for a Phoenix's name?
  20. ReinZero

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    Anubis in mythology is a Jackal headed god. Not a Jackal, nor is the intended meaning you're trying to convey tied at all to Jackals. In addition there are more than quite a few negative only biases of Jackals. Plus "guide to the afterlife" makes fairly less than zero sense in relation to...