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  1. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Understood. Good luck. Also, might make a Tempter.
  2. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Understandable. Can I ask you for your commentary on my custom location for my RP and its unique lore, anyway?
  3. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Even better. Note that I am running a Princess: The Hopeful RP on SB at the same time, so I will have to manage my time well to play in your game. Btw, that game permits Unchained/CofD Demons.
  4. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    The SFW one? Also, I love CofD Demons - Embeds are great.
  5. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I see. That is just shallow.
  6. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I like dudes but I do not like AI art, so...
  7. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I love Mage, yes.
  8. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    That's good, but to be honest, I don't like reading small paragraphs of posts I find hard to read and which show little effort, just... It does not appeal to me.
  9. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    A proper Mage should curbstomp Taylor any day, though?
  10. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I wrote a CofD fic; two of them, actually - They're in my sig.
  11. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I see. That's plainly stupid in and out of universe, yes...
  12. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I am actually thinking of running a CofD game on QQ, but SFW is barren while NSFW has people who are not good at spelling and grammar, so...
  13. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I agree with this, as you know. Also, huh, this thread only has 26 Pages...
  14. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    PlasticSoldier , you liked my fics, it seems. You okay with giving deeper commentary on them in their threads or here?
  15. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Updated my Chronicles of Darkness + FGO fic!
  16. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I updated my Chronicles of Darkness fanfics (links are in my sig)!
  17. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I published a new fanfic relevant to the interests of people who like Chronicles of Darkness/New World of Darkness 2e! SB Link. QQ SFW Link.
  18. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Apologies for the sidetrack, but mind if I ask what Hunter (Hunter the Vigil, CofD/nWoD 2e) Conspiracy would Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes (yes, the Newspaper Comic) belong to, and what Conspiracy would allow him to keep Hobbes (as a Spirit-possessed Stuffed Tiger)? Calvin will be aged up to...
  19. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Another few days, another snippet (Cross-posted from SB): What I want to ask is: What are the probable consequences of giving a True Fae (well, a 'Charlatan' who has had his Fae nature altered or sealed by contact with the God-Machine, but that's pedantic) a copy of Fate/Grand Order, in a...
  20. Repentant_Dragos

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I have another snippet from my Chronicles of Darkness/FGO crossover, and I need people to review whether Kirshtachia Wodime (from FGO) is acting like the canonical dork he is in said snippet: