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Search results for query: *

  1. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    You'll definitely get to anti-planet by jump two, depending on how fast you can develop the tech for it. Not sure how powerful the Invincible meme man is but good thinking putting him at the very end. You should be well prepared for nearly anything in terms of one on one battles by the time...
  2. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    There's a lot of stuff you mentioned and I got bludgeoned by the word wall, but I can see some settings that can get you to planet destroying levels within maybe five jumps even with the limitations you're thinking of. Maybe. I don't exactly watch most of the settings you mentioned, though I...
  3. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Yes. Like if you tale perks from Naruto, Bleach, One Piece etc. in any order, it's a significant power boost.
  4. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Sounds like the smartphone isekai (and that's just my bias from what little I saw about it) Are you talking about a specific setting or a generic jumpchain?
  5. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    There's a Monster Hunter jump covering World that gets close: if you max out the drawback points (800) then you can buy all Hunter perks and a smithy from the Craftsman tree to make equipment for you.
  6. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    No specific setting, just that Rakjo is complaining about the MC (the writer) getting way overpowered around 5 jumps in because of stacking perks.
  7. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Best to do a chain with only one set of perks and that's it. The rest you have to make yourself.
  8. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Nothing happened during puberty because I avoided people anyway.
  9. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    There already is: Harry Potter. Hogwarts is a school after all. I'm not starting as an adult, but rather as a child.
  10. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    The kind of jumping I'm thinking of is more like "you cannot go back and revisit a place you've been in previously" Exactly. That reactor they made for what amounted for a high school science fair? Absolutely goated. Don't wanna, or at least I won't be taking it with me. Maybe just study the...
  11. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Actually, if I could leave whenever I want, then I'd just stay long enough to steal information and go. Mahouka seems a good place to visit for a bit until the whole Tatsuya Nuke thing, so long as I don't make waves with my presence.
  12. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    I think it's up to you to decide, leave some flexibility in your creativity. Anyway, I forgot about this thread. I'm thinking of writing a story with jumping, though deciding on the settings tends to be difficult. For example, I'll start my journey in Harry Potter, and will avoid DxD. The...
  13. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Oh, okay. It depends on whether I can freely jump between worlds or if I need to meet a condition first, but I would start with Sekirei and grab Akitsu, because waifu. RWBY or Danmachi would be next, and the other will be the third, as both can provide a way to gain power easily (unless Aura...
  14. eveakane

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Just came across this, and did a brief skim of your question. Now, there are easy ways to obtain such powers, though they invariably come at a cost, usually loss of "humanity", "agency", etc., or it could be paid for in blood, lives, your soul... Need a bit of clarification on what you're...
  15. eveakane

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Honestly, while I don't have an avatar yet, I have three good candidates for it: Rei Ayanami (Mogudan's version), Akitsu #07, and Angelica Ainsworth. If you haven't noticed yet, I like the quiet ones. It's either a Half-Angel, Half-Human Hybrid, with the associated powers that come with it, and...