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Search results for query: *

  1. prandom

    Nonstandard OTPs

    Much obliged!
  2. prandom

    Nonstandard OTPs

    Hmm... Ganondorf/Zelda: I have no real justification for this. I just like it. Also, ever since I read Soon I Will Be Invincible I've been a sucker for the villain who loses over and over, but keeps trying anyway. John/Vriska (Homestuck): Not... really a nonstandard OTP, but significantly...
  3. prandom

    Poll To Decide What I Should Focus On Next

    [X] Green Sun, Black Shadows Yes, I know it wasn't on the list. GIVE ME LELOUCH. SUCH SMUG, VERY KEIKAKU.
  4. prandom

    You are your Avatar

    1) I am now awesome! I get two chances at everything, including escaping my former home while looking like a child molester in a gimp suit and getting a new identity! 2) I am now completely screwed! I have no idea how many plots Calvert is running at the same time, the first time I meet with...
  5. prandom

    The Fic That Hooked You: And How Bad Was It?

    I first found fanfiction on AO3, in the Homestuck fandom. I can't even remember what the first big fanfic I read was. I think it was about Eridan? Anyways, I eventually found FF.net, and my introduction to that was The Empty Cage. It's not quite as good as I remember it being, but I still like...
  6. prandom

    Pepperjack Appreciation Thread

    Pepperjack is the greatest of cheeses. He goes so very well with HAM.