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Search results for query: *

  1. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    That's a lot of help Guile and we both know that I won't get to quite THAT level of retroactive character development. Or anything that made that game so good :S
  2. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Okay here's a quest I might try actually running once I get the system finicky bits taken care of. The idea is a high tech (but not quite space tech) world and you are playing a person with amnesia. Because of the high technology, your memories have been ripped from your body and digitized. You...
  3. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Its a reincarnation quest where the 'soul' of Alucard was killed in order to make Schrodinger's Alucard (both alive and dead) was reincarnated into a elvish slum mage in Dragon Age. Really, the fun was never going to happen because Alucard is too much for DA. And DA is boring anyways unless you...
  4. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    If we do that quest, I will fill every vote with {X}Be the Man with the Hat
  5. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Also a completely valid if someone sad/hurtful option: Being Simon and trying to get back in control of his labyrinthine mind
  6. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Hey, I don't know where to ask, but where could/should I put a thread on recommending quests or RP logs?
  7. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    I am so jealous of you now FurikoMaru. Though I have to say, having a mother who reads goddamn SHAKESPEARE for a bedtime story is a childhood I couldn't pass up either :P
  8. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    That story could only be a one shot though Vind. You know why? No one could stop the mystical legend of Macho Man Randy Savage. How so? He prevented the Rapture post mortem. though srsly rip macho man
  9. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Yeah, remember all that stuff about Alexander being a bro? Now imagine how it'd be if Gilgamesh's leaderly aspects were brought in sans Nasu Arrogant Cunt bs. Can you say united humanity?
  10. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    I actually despise him as a character because he isn't. He's just the main glob of Nasu's own philosphical bullshit. In other words, HE'S ANCIENT WORLD WESLEY FUCKING CRUSHER.
  11. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Because otherwise Nasu wouldn't be able to write how much modern humanity sucks. And he prolly only added the spaceship to demystify the whole FUCKING GOING TO THE MOON thing. Because oh yeah, we had ships that could fly into space in the past MADE OF FUCKING GOLD. fuuuuuuuuuuuuck...
  12. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    And that's why it pisses me off so much! All those lessons, all those emotions and what does that fucking hack Nasu give us? A fucking arrogant cunt used as the mantlepiece to Nasu's assbackwards view on the world! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-! Well, it'd be a sundial, but it might be an armlet.
  13. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    I knew I liked you for a reason. I approve of all of this. Plus, the historically portrayed version is SO much more badass. I mean, have you seen that beard?
  14. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    My thought of the day: FUCK GILGAMESH. He's the worst.
  15. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    He's not alive, silly! He's a robot from a dystopian future ruled by a council of pants-on-head retarded angels.
  16. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Heh heh heh heh hee heee heee hee.... AHHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! my blood is black
  17. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    I had an idea like this once, only instead of some random joe, it was the Dovahkin, who, due to holding three elder scrolls and some douchebag breaking Akatosh's back in the middle of the the Dovahkin's fight with Aludin. This results in them both being transported to Campione world wherein they...
  18. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Normally I'd say do it, but I'm....kindaaaaaa.....thinkingthatthestorywhereHarmonydressedastheEnchantresswouldblowthisoutofthewater >.< uynu
  19. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    unyuuuuuu so nervs h-here i go....! >.<9 The idea is a Dark Souls/ undetermined crossover quest, but after the ending. Way way WAY after the ending, after the world has moved on and left the PC in the past. Only the past doesn't remain dead and at some point, the Chosen Undead/Dark Lord...
  20. Ardion Prosili

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    I have a quest idea but I'm looking for a partner to keep me in check from going full retard.