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Search results for query: *

  1. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Didn't they revive that thing on private serverts some months back?
  2. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Haku, we train up her self-confidence until she becomes more prideful than Fate-Gilgamesh^^
  3. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    So I had a weird idea which could work either as a quest or a fanfic I think, just thought I would bring it out. Just imagine, a new blog opens up somewhere on the Internet. It is titled something like "Creator of the Universe Asking for Feedback". Basically, the owner of the blog says he is...
  4. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Maybe they just never thought of trying it, or that they can do it? Or they didn't believe it would be effective enough to be worth it. I mean, maybe they used your own logic. It is a energy used to Support Digimon, so of course that is what it is used for. (Even though it makes no real sense...
  5. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Marcus Dad does it too, fighting Bantyo-Leomon in a duel with his bullshit superpowers. With the Spirit Bomb though it is because the People don't have the specific Training to use the power themselves. (Any of the normal People could likely use it with enough Training. It is a technique that...
  6. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Given that Marcus can use it to boost Agumon until it becomes Super!Agumon-Destroyer of Yggdrasil, yeah, boosting them outside of Level is totally possible. Plus, cannot you use it defensively? If you can Punch out a Royal Knight with that, why cannot you cover yourself and use it to block an...
  7. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    What Kind of Thing did you have in mind? Playing as a Chosen Kid, Digimon, Random Adult Parent trying to make sense of things?
  8. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Nr. 1 seems interesting though I cannot quite pinpoint what it is about.
  9. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    There is no mind control involved with the Familiar Runes. The only Thing they do is suppress homesickness so that you won't try to leave immediately after the summoning. As for Saito, he possibly has brain damage. It is noted at the start of the novels that his mother bought a dubious machine...
  10. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Yeah, I haven't played CCC, but I heard much about him being less agressive due to the differences in modern day world and Moon Cell. I thought Academy City could be similar enough that it takes away the worst of his temper. I am treating IB sort of like a Baptism Rite on Steroids in this...
  11. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    I was thinking something like Gilgamesh trying to hurt or toy with Takitsubou and Hamazura trying to fight him. Of course he gets utterly annihilated, but he puts up a surprisingly good fight for some of these modern mongrels and his refusal to back down to protect her impresses him just a...
  12. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Old idea was coming back to me, so I thought maybe get it out here to see how People react, and maybe someone would be interested in picking it up. So, a Long time ago I had the idea for a Fusion between To aru and Fate/Stay Night. It was originally a unholy multicrossover between...
  13. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Get drunk. A lot. Until you can forget this whole mess, along with your name.
  14. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Aren't there a couple Exalt Quests using most Exalt types for Worm all over the Internet already? I believe there are some on SB and Sufficient Velocity. I am not all that interested in Worm as a Setting, but if there are other People interested, go for it.
  15. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Absolute. Zero. Fucks. Ignore them. They're not here. They don't exist. You're clearly hallucinating. Continue business as normal. [X] Not bad. Might be worth something once there's actual content.
  16. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    I guess thanks to the Rinnegan he is already close or equal to a Kage Level Ninja even without using any extra bodies. Also, I think only Konan the "Angel" of Rain Nation does anything in the sense of taking care of leading the Nation and stuff. I think he was something of a Mythos, a secret...
  17. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

  18. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Prepare to roast Tanuki on a stick. Will we roast the Tanuki? Rolled 1d100 : 13, total 13
  19. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] You know what? Screw this guy and his insane plan you will just keep on stabbing him til he dies, you stop being angry, or your sword breaks. Whichever comes last!
  20. Heaven Canceler

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Oh, this Looks very interesting. [X] All 3 Points into Luck Because dying because of horrible luck is bad, our other stats are acceptable and being surprisingly lucky is always good. Traits: [X] Favored by Luck [X] A Lovely Stranger [X] King's Intuition Mental Skills [X] 2 Points into...