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Search results for query: *

  1. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    One of the trailers to Hagure Yuusha no Estetica. Light novel turned anime.
  2. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    One of the few harem protagonists with actual character and ability to handle people. A very rare breed that. A shame the light novels aren't translated.
  3. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Warning NSFW. Best advert for a new show ever.
  4. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Poor Queen's blade, first they got visited by Ousawa Akatski now they have to deal with Issei as well. :))
  5. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Roll: Bonus Boss [X] Genre: Henshin Heroes and Villains (Magical Girl, Sentai etc...)
  6. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Knock. Time to take the plunge.
  7. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Riccardo Battaglia [X] The Model Student. You were the best in academics and sports team, winning many trophies and medals for the school. However, you were quite lonely on the inside, as your friends were only interestty and good looks, for your fan clubs. Intelligence +4, Dexterity +2...
  8. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Undead roaming ever consuming.
  9. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Go over everything again. It WOULD be embarrassing if you forgot something like your underwear. You still remember that former classmate who forgot her panties and had an accident involving her skirt. You don't want that kind of reputation. -[X]End up forgetting it anyways because a tanuki...
  10. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] During the noon time hour, when it is least expected.
  11. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] The Grimoire. [X] Show that Bitch up.
  12. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Show her some REAL Lightning. [X] Interesting, I'd be willing to see where this goes.
  13. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Think that the Tanuki runs way too many quests as is and is likely to burn himself out.
  14. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Look like an anime catgirl
  15. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    This is hilarious and has my completely useless seal of approval.
  16. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Ask GM to update Robin Quest [X]Yes
  17. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Yes please.
  18. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Caster Class in this one. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Roleplay/FateNuovoGuerra?from=Main.FateNuovoGuerra Character sheet here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/FateNuovoGuerra
  19. Malcolmo

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    If anyone were willing to run it a you are your avatar rp might be fun. Someone other then me would have to run it though since I don't know how to gm.