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Search results for query: *

  1. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Made a quest thingy. You're a part time magical girl in an urban fantasy kitchen sink world. Right now on the part where you design the MG.
  2. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Would anyone be interested in a Quest/LP of me Nuzlocking Pokemon Y? I have a copy I still haven't played in nearly a year, I've no exposure to gen 6 but have Nuzlocked a game in every region so far (though I lost the notebook accounting for Sinnoh). Rules: Standard Nuzlocke rules. No Wikis...
  3. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    You wake up in a large bare white room. The only things besides yourself that occupy it are the cot you were lying on, a dripping metal sink, and an ugly metal toilet. Above the florescent light flickers signaling that it needed to be changed soon and generating an annoying buzzing sound. >...
  4. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    How about an Avatar SI Quest. The protag is from a world where the show didn't exist. He is reincarnated as Azula, and while he was a relatively decent person in his past life he has some trouble adjusting to his genetic predisposition to Socioapathy. So you're a 'guy' who "Knows" right from...
  5. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Yes! Thread Made
  6. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Should I continue in a new thread? [X] Yes! [X] Yes but you need to work on it first. [X] No this sucks! [X] No get back to work on your other quests!
  7. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Nagging You finished maneuvering the girl into a less unwholesome pose. The moment you broke contact however whatever spell had been holding her in place fuss free also shattered. With a surprised yelp she threw herself away from you with a blush spreading over her face which you found just...
  8. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    A life of No Regrets Though you probably have no right to say it you - Tanaka Momo - have a life filled with hardship. Though not quite as dramatic as most would assume from such a line you still felt life had dealt you an off hand and it wouldn't be wrong to say your life tended to be...
  9. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Holy shit I forgot that was his name! I always just think of him as Regent. God I would sell a kidney to see a fic with RegentxSkitter, it would be the stuff of motherfukkin legends!
  10. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    "I'm sorry honey but there's a minimum cup size to equip that outfit."
  11. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Look liek a Spy-dah Girrl!
  12. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    IF you do do it it shouldn't be Taylor we play as, but another cape who has a weak sounding power that can be exploited with some good thinking. Or at least a regular power of dependable usefulness. The Alchemist: A cape who can alter chemical bonds in an object. Crimson Comet: Small red...
  13. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    No that was Mouse Protector, similar powers. In fact their siblings! In the Current Campaign: Artemis: Enhanced Reflexes and strength, has the ability of ridiculously fast learning of physical skills. Powerful cape and soon to graduate into the protectorate. Uses bow and thrown weapons...
  14. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Brute, Thinker, Breaker, and 2 strangers.
  15. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    I've had a Quest Idea kicking around my head since I found out about Mutants and Masterminds. You are Kyle Reese (no relation I just like the name), a Cape in the Wormverse set during the 2 year time skip. You are a member of the Wards program in the up and coming city New Phoenix (Name...
  16. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    When compared to people who can control Fire/Water/Air, make an entire fucking forest bloom in a couple hours, teleport, hack any electronic device, or shot lasers shaped like bears out of their fists mimicing sounds seems like a let down. Especially since you can't even scratch them and they'd...
  17. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    She'll suffer lots through out, but rest assured she will get her moments of awesomeness.
  18. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Idea: The Unfortunate Sekirei Quest
  19. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Idea: The Munchin Puella. One of the Incubators decided to make a Puella out of a girl who just loves table top rpgs like DnD and CoC. And as such she gets out every detail about the Puella life cycle and still wants to join, only she's going to get the most out of that wish. Examples of...
  20. Master of Squirrel-fu

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    I was thinking about doing a LP of Pokemon Snakewood or Naranja.