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Search results for query: *

  1. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Depends on the premise. I'm personally sick and tired on the Anakin as Sith quests, and the Jedi one is ehhhh. Perhapd Anakin as Matukai or one of the more neutral Force Sects would be more interesting.
  2. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    ... How do you "pay" the character?
  3. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    can the guyver suit fap its wearer tho because that's the best appeal of biosuits personally prefer it in nsfw
  4. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    i wanna see sum gud ol guyver on dragonblooded kinky tentacle sexy fun times
  5. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    What is City of Heroes, and is it free to play?
  6. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Male [X] Japan [X] Your own body.
  7. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    I am.
  8. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Pale Yellow
  9. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Harry/Percy. Huh, I remembered this one fanfiction that involved Harry is AU!Percy and vice versa.
  10. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    {tr} {td}Athletics:{/td} {td}2{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Affection:{/td} {td}0{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Skill:{/td} {td}2{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Cunning:{/td} {td}2{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Luck:{/td} {td}2{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Will:{/td} {td}3{/td} {/tr} {tr} {td}Uniform Color:{/td} {td}gold{/td} {/tr}...
  11. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Reboot -[X] And make it NSFW
  12. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Warhammer has Slaanesh.
  13. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    What's bad about Princess Maker?
  14. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Lewdified Dreamtime is best Dreamtime :V That'll wait, however.
  15. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Allow us to lewdify the setting, or better, The Dreaming, and I'm game :V
  16. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Oh ho, interesting concept here, hora.
  17. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    [X] Xilph. As long as we get to design our own Zerg strains, I shall give zero fucks. Also, Humanity Fuck Yeah. :P
  18. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    You can always set them in two separate forums~ Just make sure that the forum(s) in question is ok with NSFW contents, though.
  19. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Oh despair, Ack, for should you do so, prepare for the huge load of messages in your inbox.
  20. kinglugia

    Interest Check & Idea Thread

    Yes please. Can I PM you votes instead of voting in thread?