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Search results for query: *

  1. Raron

    Phobos VII [Complete]

    That might just be me reading "I'm willing to arrange this for you" and "Others have been pulled through at times, as required" as a literal roundabout way of saying he has the ability for interdimensional travel. Which would indeed be my knowledge of Polyhistor doing me a disservice. Oh, no...
  2. Raron

    Phobos VII [Complete]

    That would be fine I think. I don't think it matters where the prologue/epilogue is, the rest of the book has to support the content in it. Yes, it's hinted , but magic so far in rest of the book has been a physical thing, and related to a single concept (from what I understand, elixir magic was...
  3. Raron

    Phobos VII [Complete]

    I do think there would be a few issues with first time readers, who aren't familiar with the setting. One issue is that the ability of Monk to send people to other worlds without the gate. We know why he can do it. It makes no sense from a storytelling perspective. It just comes out of the blue...
  4. Raron

    Phobos VII [Complete]

    Question, wasn't Phobos IV reign about a army of Thrice Cursed? I know he got defeated by the League, and spawn rate of Thrice Cursed got toned down since then, but I was not aware that Kroll had active part in it. It was mentioned that as being a long time ago, and Cult of Gaia even longer...