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Search results for query: *

  1. Phobos VII [Complete]

    Depending on what you're after, this is pretty much all you need. https://www.draft2digital.com/ Even though the name implies otherwise, they also do print publications.
  2. Phobos VII [Complete]

    I'll read this chapter at the end of NaNoWriMo if the story isn't done. I'm not waiting a whole year. I'm just not that patient. Glad to see you writing again. I've missed your stuff.
  3. Phobos VII [Complete]

    I suppose I would like that. I have what I feel to be a pretty strong hypothesis for what's going on. I don't think mind control is inherently 'evil', especially if its being used to try to fix an otherwise unfixable situation that's horrible. Earlier you stated that the elixir = people...
  4. Phobos VII [Complete]

    I'm gonna be honest. I'll be absolutely shocked if Enjolras isn't subtly mind controlling the crap out of Stas. I will have read so many interactions and thoughts completely wrong. As always, your writing is a treat. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Phobos VII [Complete]

    Huh, I must have missed that. I didn't miss that, but I figured that it was just ancient rome being ancient rome. A blood for the blood sport kind of thing. Can he not graft their magic to him? I get that he couldn't get their geomantic elements (because those aren't a part of a person)...
  6. Phobos VII [Complete]

    It seemed pretty "out of left field" to me. Looking back, I can kind of see that if it weren't something like this, the world would look different. Human remains are an effective bottleneck for elixir production. That being said, I don't know what genre conventions you'd be following to have...
  7. Phobos VII [Complete]

    Probably cute girl: Literal memory altering and perception filtering. Stas: That sounded like a weak ability, with a weak mindset to match. How would she fair if she were actually forced into a fight? Or under fire from something that didn’t have an attention to divert, like a rain of arrows...
  8. Phobos VII [Complete]

    I enjoy this and hope you continue and finish it, but I value polyhistor more. Then probably Mole. I liked Mole quite a bit.
  9. Phobos VII [Complete]

    Well Stas just got hit with some mind magic. Though given the lack of hydromancy, unless Enjolras drank it before he walked in, potentially wasting it, I don't see how. Unless Enjolras can use Aeromancy like Stas...
  10. Phobos VII [Complete]

    The fights have been well written, well paced, and easy to follow, but so far they've read less like fights and more like character pieces. The most interesting thing about each fight scene is all the parts around the fight (in this chapter, as vali said, it's that there was a fight at all). If...
  11. Phobos VII [Complete]

    Presumably, how to make the elixirs are a very carefully guarded secret, so that powdered magic's existence was interesting. Also interesting is Stas. He was able to tell that his opponent was a laborer, not a fighter, wasn't flexible, and wasn't mentally all there, but wasn't able to put...
  12. Phobos VII [Complete]

    *trainer As always, your writing is fantastic and a major highlight of any day you post. It's funny contrasting these gladiators with the polyhistor students. Even just the first years would destroy pretty much any of these gladiators from what we've seen so far. On that related note, how...