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Search results for query: *

  1. Avernus

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    March to me is like Bakuda and Coil; a villain I thoroughly enjoy see getting stomped just because their attitude is just so smug and obnoxious I want to reach into the monitor and slap them.
  2. Avernus

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    It seems like the opposite number of Sting. Sting uses "dimensional shenanigans" to cut through anything, Good Steel uses "dimensional shenanigans" to resist any form of change or damage, along with any dimensional tricks other than its own. I suspect it's also some kind of multidimensional...
  3. Avernus

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    I'll vote for "critical lack of threat assessment"; the Undersiders were right there after all, and even if the E88 capes were still free the odds of an Empire cape showing up in time to do Mitch any good would have been really poor. Heck, even if one was nearby most of them would wait for...
  4. Avernus

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    Man, that Mitch guy has no survival drive at all. It's not like "giant monster dogs" are a subtle, easy to miss danger. He's lucky he got tazed before he got turned into their chew toy.
  5. Avernus

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    It did demonstrate the fundamental problem with the concepts of "throwaway" & "safe" timelines; nobody's ever really safe, especially in a place like Earth Bet/Brockton Bay. Heck, even if he had his base there's still the chance he might do something like choke on his food or trip and crack his...
  6. Avernus

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    I think that Kaiser should have wanted out of the E88 but didn't, because by the time canon rolled around he'd spent decades convincing himself that associating with a violent gang and unstable murderous capes was a good idea. Cutting off ties with the E88 - even if he could do so and not get...