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Search results for query: *

  1. steamrick

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    ... but the captain's powers aren't even all that similar to Emma's? Sure, low-level regen, but that's hardly uncommon and not what makes Emma scary.
  2. steamrick

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    I wonder what concessions Armsmaster would be willing to make just to get a bunch of all-around recordings of Emma doing some exercise/training routines with his Halbert without and with an outfit that equals to the range of motion and balance restricitions imposed by his power armour... Moving...
  3. steamrick

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    Though if I was Emma I'd still want a (hidden) hold-out weapon with an inscription that reads something like 'in case of Lung'. Something that'll put even a tough Brute or Changer down hard if need be.
  4. steamrick

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    Reminds me of... where was it... The bouncy-ball-guy in UDDUP! https://mangakakalot.com/chapter/until_death_do_us_part/chapter_121
  5. steamrick

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    I can see this story going two ways: A) They go through with their plan and (try to?) force Taylor into Villainy after giving her a top-tier power B) While trying to establish a heroic reputation they realize they're in over their heads and need a bigger team and Emma persuades Sophia that she...
  6. steamrick

    Earning Her Stripes (Worm AU fanfic)

    Well, this is fairly hilarious. Clearly, those vials were some of the better ones Cauldron has made. Are you aiming for triumvirate-tier powers, or one step below? Madison at least is clearly promising a gun that'll get her a Blaster 8 sub-rating the moment she fires it at full power, and...