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Search results for query: *

  1. RiP

    Occular (Worm x SWTOR)

    You should look deeper. Grow up more eyes.
  2. RiP

    Occular (Worm x SWTOR)

    Good. Very good. Indeed! Now silly girl start believe that she really can feel when Taylor lying. Such cunning move. True Sith demeanor.
  3. RiP

    Occular (Worm x SWTOR)

    [X][Unmask] Reveal that you are a Parahuman but not the details. Step 1. Not deny obvious. Yeah you are parahuman. Shit happens. Step 2. After couple days tell that you are Seeker. Step 3. After couple days allow her to tell Vicky. In this way Taylor made a pattern. And show sheself like fair...
  4. RiP

    Occular (Worm x SWTOR)

    For example, Emma alpha bitch and queen bee of Winslow. She know how to run social campaign. If she spend a bit of time promoting Seeker in Winslow and Taylor help and do some patrols around. Ta-Dam. Seeker has a group of fans. UPD. Just i look at the prices and feel sadness. Babysitting and...
  5. RiP

    Occular (Worm x SWTOR)

    Ok. But what about last part? Yeah selling Emma's photo in Sidekick mask only it's a bit out of character. Taylor not deep enough at the Dark side yet. Even if Emma deserve a small lesson. But what about idea in general? Uber and Leet do their show. Taylor can do the same. Can you just roll the...
  6. RiP

    Occular (Worm x SWTOR)

    1. Lottery ticket it's an option??? (money) 2. Can Seeker do a fortune teling?? No need to be super accurate just psychology and common phrases. (Like all fortune teller do) (money+diplomacy practice) 3. Can Seeker do a telekinetik juggling? If she will perform with this it's 3 target with 1...
  7. RiP

    Occular (Worm x SWTOR)

    Emma, Emma, you grow up a monster. And now come to her lair and offer a friendsip? Level of smartness - cannon. I hope Taylor repay with the same favor. Why Tay didn't feel influence from Cherish??
  8. RiP

    Occular (Worm x SWTOR)

    Look like Taylor offer a deal to Amy. They fake their relationship and get some freedom from Vicki. Such cunning, such sin.