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Search results for query: *

  1. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    There should be links to every sheet including chancel and Imperator, in the OP.
  2. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Should be, yeah.
  3. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    So, the game tentatively moved back 4 hours. (It's now on Saturday at 8:30PM EST) and we're down to 2-3 regular players. If anyone wants to join in (Heaven Canceler, Nolrai2) you're welcome to at this point.
  4. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Still ongoing. It's been a bit slower after the first arc ended, but another big plot has started up!
  5. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Actuals are fun, may need to throw more of them at the party. Well, no one else posted a summary so.... Johnny finally returned to reality, realizing that he'd accidentally allowed something from outside the world to join him. Putting aside the hoard he went to connect with the others...
  6. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Someone else, who lacks an account on this forum.
  7. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    The character in waiting for Godot. Johnny jumped through a hole in the world and wound up nowhere where he met them.
  8. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    I might have to look into changing the time in a few months when I move back to the states. So there's always hope for then?
  9. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    It's on freenode in #QQNobilis. People tend to hover around in chat lately. Edit: Standard chargen if you want to do up a sheet.
  10. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    4:30AM-7AM (GMT) 1:30PM-4PM (Tokyo) 12:30AM-3AMish (New York) 3:30PM-6PM (Aus) Should be correct.
  11. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    I'm willing to run from 3 to 5. Currently we're at 3, so there are 2ish slots.
  12. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Finally (most of) the last sheet: Adding this session's logs soon. "Fox" (he will answer and give out other names randomly) Aspect 3 domain 0 Treasure 3 Persona 1 Gifts: Shapeshifter (3), Immutable. Cool 3 Fox Ear Magic 3 Superior hunter 2 Passion: Be Mysterious and Tricksy 2 Bond: Never...
  13. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Considering that Dulcinea's player plays in this game (and wasn't in that scene or even around when it happened, but still)....
  14. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Your Imperator Chancel- tentative Session Logs: http://pastebin.com/iXestCCR
  15. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Wonderful, thanks! mishie, theweepingman anything like Gib did would be great. And does anyone have opinions regarding chancel genre/mood/thematics/aesthetics? Modern? Fantasyish? Strange? Sci-fi?
  16. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Read the quoted directions. That's an example. Just post a few sentences about what kind of imperator you think would be fun to have for the game, what you think it should be like. I'll take a few bits from everyone's including my own, and then use that to write it up.
  17. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Okay, we're going with a Magister of the Dark. Okay, my initial thought is someone that's always getting in trouble, showing up and bringing so many problems and constantly making everything escalate, the kind of cosmic being that just always goes to push the button and escalates, and then...
  18. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    I have no objections. I guess I can post the logs here if people want.
  19. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Okay, domain 4=12, persona 1=3 Active Immortality=6 +4 points on secondary stuff. Good there. "Romance heals broken souls" would fit better. Estate properties look good, skills look okay This one confuses me a little. What's the intent here? Is this a statement of ideals? A fear of being...
  20. Darkened

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Okay, it looks like this time on Sunday may be the only option? 5:30AM-8AM (GMT) 2:30PM-5PM (Tokyo) 12:30AM-3AMish (New York) 3:30PM-6PM (Aus) Does this time zone look like it would work for everyone, or rather, about an hour and a half before the time of this post to about an hour...