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Search results for query: *

  1. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Clownpiece was a hoot to play.
  2. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

  3. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    God damn it, I fell asleep last week, and just plum forgot this week. Thats what I get for missing my meds I guess. Arggggg.
  4. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

  5. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Did I miss a session of this?
  6. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Charsheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sIThmti2SP5cGKEczOGkaDTuJPfs5nHC0pYFBzzNIYc/edit?usp=sharing Lifepath: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1mL0r42wu4UeLYbYr2r9FhEdwD0D9N8n_VRy7z_lfuec/edit?usp=sharing
  7. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Okay, are characters written up anywhere?
  8. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    I think I might be able to do that. That would be 5:30 pm PST yes?
  9. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Last game of Nobils I played there was lots of proof it was my fault despire not being my fault.
  10. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    It's a refrence.
  11. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Are you sure your not some sort of actual?
  12. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Ah. Did he use transfinite ordinals to meet God?
  13. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Hmm. I can do that.
  14. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    What day of the week? I can do it if its Friday or Saturday, other wise..(Though ,an fridays would be intence then.)
  15. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    When do you run again?
  16. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

  17. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    I am in a Chuubo's game where the go to solution to Everything is turn it into a cute monster girl. Dulcina would be glad to see this approach spread.
  18. Nolrai2

    IRC Nobilis OOC

    Umm, I am proobly too busy to play in another game. But may I watch?