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Search results for query: *

  1. IRC Nobilis OOC

    Since I'm a Nice Guy, have some session logs Heaven Canceler and Nolrai2 http://pastebin.com/bcUJHgU1 http://pastebin.com/aRwVCeiQ http://pastebin.com/MJq2y8EH http://pastebin.com/Pjs4YACT http://pastebin.com/WkYwSDFw http://pastebin.com/MH1xvxN6
  2. IRC Nobilis OOC

    So yeah, we decided today that this current arc is basically a Group Project, so the current name for it is: "How we worked together to spread our Estates via magical girls and kidnapping" 3 Destiny - We kidnapped 2 girls and forced them to fight a monster and then eventually gave them magical...
  3. IRC Nobilis OOC

    No session last week Nolrai2 since Darkened was busy and my laptop was dead, next session is in exactly 24 hours.
  4. IRC Nobilis OOC

    The important thing is that there isn't any proof that anything is my fault, because it isn't.
  5. IRC Nobilis OOC

    So in the past few sessions, TWM has been busy with exams and Crow is dead or something, so instead of continuing the plot that Darkened was almost able to start we've been finishing off side stories. Kitsune has been going clothes shopping with her mom or something whilst Johnny is still just...
  6. IRC Nobilis OOC

    So in today's surprise session, Ai had a chat with spidersis and talk about how murder is wrong, Kitsune talked about hobbies with her Mum, and Johnny had an Adventure in his own house. And by Adventure I mean he made his way through the various traps to actually get inside, found out that a...
  7. IRC Nobilis OOC

    Sooooo funny story, Crow and I decided to do some RP shit together to pass the time and to have Eve and Johnny meet. Things went as expected and as such they're now planning on setting up a Robot Fighting Arena, and may have also started a group project for them to make what was described as...
  8. IRC Nobilis OOC

    I can't help but be proud of the fact that it's taken literally taken almost 2 months for Johnny to do something related to his job instead of getting bored and wandering off. And of course nobody notices and instead they focus on other shit ;-;
  9. IRC Nobilis OOC

    So uh funny story, speaking of Actual's Johnny may have accidentally unleashed one into the Chancel. On a totally unrelated note, after having adventures in a pyramid involved a Giant Super Mega Sandworm that Johnny took as a treasure because holy shit how could you not, it's fucking amazing...
  10. IRC Nobilis OOC

    So in this weeks session, Johnny convinced Vladimir and Estragon that he was definitely Godot and they were waiting for him all along, this was then followed by everything dissolving into nothing whilst Johnny just kept following the trail of gold and jewels to the next place, which was of...
  11. IRC Nobilis OOC

    Okay so uh, today's session went to some pretty interesting places. Things started out for me when I decided that the logical thing to do when in a mysterious and magical warehouse that was mindfucking us was that I should split up from everybody else and go to the most dangerous area, because...
  12. IRC Nobilis OOC

    Like I said in IRC, I'm thinking of somebody that likes to have overly complex plans just for the sake of it, that couldn't possibly ever work out, and yet whenever shit goes bad and it all falls to pieces, everything seems to work out just the way he wanted it to. So yeah, our Imperator is...
  13. IRC Nobilis OOC

    Key 6+13, cool, beautiful, describe, extraordinary, corrupting influence+botanists, faraway love, dark song. Passions/Skills: Passion: I want to learn hidden secrets (1) Passion: Living life to the fullest (1) Skill: Superior Persuasion (3) Skill: Cool (2) Skill: Shine (2) Bonds/Afflictions...
  14. IRC Nobilis OOC

    Nobilis looks pretty fun, although I would be fine way pretty much any of them if you're running them in IRC.