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  1. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yeah, there’s always online services. But it’s not the same. It doesn’t feel like being part of a community, just being shoved to the outskirts of one. And I honestly can’t trust any church that won’t mask at this point. Wearing a mask around someone who asks you to is more of a litmus test for...
  2. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I can’t. I looked around, but every church in the area is proudly announcing that masking is optional if they mention it at all. I found one that had a single masked service, but when I called to confirm, they said they’d forgotten to change it and that I could still mask if I wanted to. You...
  3. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Crossposting this, with the misery portion excised, because I figure you guys might be a little bit receptive. I’m so sick of trying to convince people I deserve to live, and having them shrug and say ‘but that’d be mildly inconvenient.’
  4. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    It’s not enough that he gets to feel smug, other people need to bow to his scintillating brilliance.
  5. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Self-defense is ironic? I’m both autistic and diabetic. They want me dead and fully intend to kill me. EDIT: Okay, I’m being a little tongue-in-cheek here, but a belief that autistic folks are better off dead is inherent to the autism justification. You can believe that vaccines cause autism...
  6. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Honestly, the fact that antivaxxers both keep spreading this easily- and repeatedly-disproven hoax and, by association, the belief that autistic kids would be better off dead, is enough reason for me to wish we’d give them a choice between “the jab” and a nice dose of potassium chloride.
  7. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    IIRC, immune system isn’t an issue with mRNA vaccines.
  8. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    In addition to all of the above, viruses mutate. Every person who refuses to get a vaccine is a Petri dish for the virus to continue mutating, requiring those of us who are sane to keep getting vaccinated and risk getting infected by new strains anyway. The anti-vax movement is basically a cult...
  9. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Interesting. You’re absolutely wrong, of course, but hey, at least you’re confidently wrong.
  10. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I‘m not sure if you could have drawn a more nonsensical conclusion, but I think it would be awfully hard. Diabetes gives me a much higher chance of dying from it, or suffering severe and/or long-term complications.
  11. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I used to feel bad about the schadenfreude I got out of that too. Then I got my diabetes diagnosis. Now it feels like laughing at someone who drove 80 down a side street, almost ran me over, and then got wrapped around a telephone pole. Sure, tragedy, loss of life, whatever. It’s still hard to...
  12. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I’m sorry, and I hope that, eventually, you do heal. And that the Nurglite cultists who are pretending they’re so brave by refusing to take basic safety precautions get their heads out of their asses sooner rather than later. From my understanding, it’s plausible that the outbreak came from...
  13. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    It’s worth noting that subsequent Covid infections are usually worse, and the more times you’re infected the worse it gets. According to the source here, you’ve got three times the chance of getting hospitalized as the baseline, and twice the chance of dying or getting long Covid. Which can...
  14. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    This is super fucking misleading, not just because masks block droplets you exhale, but because there are masks that do protect against Covid. I’ve personally upgraded to N95s.
  15. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Meanwhile, people here are proud they won’t mask despite the giant cloud of smoke spreading across the northeast.
  16. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    The degree to which the medical community has abandoned any semblance of preventative care is dumbfounding. There’s evidence that multiple infections makes Covid worse, including more risk of long-term effects. We know for a fact that even without this kind of cumulative damage, Covid can cause...
  17. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    4 is delusionally optimistic. You don’t need to push people far at all for them to drop not just the facades of tolerance and civility, but the facade of basic human decency. The vast majority of people, when given the choice between killing the people around them and inconveniencing themselves...
  18. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Oh, since I’m here - and the mods haven’t answered my question in appeals - I like to apologize for one specific part of the general bitching debacle. Specifically, that I inadvertently spread misinformation. Here I called the death toll a weekly 9/11; here I corrected myself. As it turns out, I...
  19. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    The thing that infuriates me is how so many people who were sanctimonious assholes about their decision to wear a mask turned out to be total hypocrites who will not give a fuck against forced to by law. It’s a slap in the face of all of us sanctimonious assholes who actually meant it.
  20. Amazon Climber

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Don’t worry, if they don’t get it from you the fucking death cult is going to make sure they get it from somewhere else.