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Search results for query: *

  1. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    A bit late but I hate dealing with anti vaxxers because most of them have to be idiots. Personally I think that vaccines generally are an amazing thing that lowers the chance of death and having asthma I'm a big believer in small consistent improvement to staying alive. Vaccines also...
  2. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Okay this needs a specific person to clarify the EU side of things, but the NHS has increasingly been more privatised and underfunded so it's a great comparison when viewed in that regard. Now specifically social security is acknowledge to be a strat that will fail on it's own. So most...
  3. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    For people who don't think it's so bad even with the 99.X% of Death(terms and conditions applied) Bear in mind that in places who both don't do well and keep public records, we can see 10+% increases in deaths per month compared to last year. That terms and conditions carries a lot and...
  4. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    One of the doctors of the local clinics in my hometown lost his son + daugter in law since they were in Spain/Italy helping out with the outbreak in March/April. It's not the same but my condolences.
  5. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    hugs? My condolences for you and your family
  6. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    That doesn't invalidate my post. Most companies are staffed and advised by people who don't deal with, or has any experienced with epidemics or pandemics. And the number of people who are actually experienced in the field are not working in those companies since their choice of vocation is...
  7. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yes, no and maybe-ish Most (reasonably successful) companies, even big ones, are not in the news because they're operating responsiblyish and it's only the extreme outliers that you hear being a problem. What this means in practice is that if we ignore the extremely large multi nation...
  8. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    A lot of plans account for this by doing a little of everything at once and seeing what works. Specifically within SEA there's something like 4 different national plans, not counting the studies in regards in regrads to the budget, the immune system/C19, possible cures or at least medicines that...
  9. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    You talk, act , and sound like a conspiracy theorist while providing stuff that's not useful (to be fair most people who aren't intimate with the industry would sound like that) On a purely professional level your talking points lack important charectistics to make them actionable. How much...
  10. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    TLDR : You're logic differs from how rational planning systems are made because you're not approaching(or from my end presenting) it from a how to solve the problem mentality. You're doing what unreliable doctors do and presenting reasons for why a specific strat should work rather then actually...
  11. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Please don't work in Publich Health. (TLDR your maths aren't really useful even if technically accurate. Please consult your local logistic /public health expert for further details) I can't speak about the other parts of C19 handling, but when talking about public health your logic is broken...
  12. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    FYI The praise is fucked up since it lacks a lot of context. Namely that Sweden's strategy acheived their goal but their goal is questionable to most countries. WHO (the public face at least) is an idiot since their praise assume that (a) you only cared about economic output in the...
  13. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    TLDR: Controlled exposure literally does not work for C19. ... Any political talking about controlled exposure means don't do anything and pray that the plague away works. Or loading a gun with random duds and shooting someone with it. TLDR: Waiting out diseases is basic Public Health 101...
  14. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Okay so here's something for context as to why malaysia + Singapore didn't really think C19 was a probllem initially, how it went wrong and what it means for REOPENING THE COUNTRY AGAIN. Stage 1: In january all evidence and cases that occured within Malaysia + singapore showed no signs of...
  15. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    that's not how it works unfortunately. The viral load theory is only useful for keeping doctor's safe, not for public health response and historically it has largely failed to solve the diseases that are this bad since you still get unacceptably high death rates annd no guarantee that it works...
  16. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    TLDR so you dont have to wonder. 1. Viral Load is not relevant to teh decision making process since it's the mutation rate that is more of a concern. In 99.999999% of all virus and bacteria that infects humans, their charecteristics is such that mutations will make it more benign and less...
  17. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Again, the 3% Who mortality figures is before it has been reliably screened for confounding variables. Everything from the requirement to achieving immunity to the actual mortality if left out of control is not currently known or reliably verified. What this means is that all leaders are...
  18. Evillevi

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    tldr : Confounding variables (availability of medicine/treatment) affects the nature of the statistics (death rates with/without healthcare). Death rates and overall damage are not stable numbers. Namely because panic and healthcare resources are the main contributing course to how badly or...